“Smoking Gun” Evidence That Liquid Water Has Flowed on Mars?

"The distributary fan's discovery provides clear, unequivocal evidence that some valleys on Mars experienced the same type of on-going, or persistent, flow over long periods of time as rivers do on Earth. ... and might be the strongest indicator yet that some craters and other depressions on Mars once held lakes."

­ Mike Malin, Ph.D., Planetary Geologist, Malin Space Science Systems

Hubble Telescope image of Mars and the largest canyon in the solar system, Valles Marineris, that stretches for 2,500 miles (4,000 km). Image courtesy Space Telescope Science Institute.
Hubble Telescope image of Mars and the largest canyon in the solar system, Valles Marineris, that stretches for 2,500 miles (4,000 km). Image courtesy Space Telescope Science Institute.


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