Part 8 – UFO Crash/Retrievals, Status Report VII by Len Stringfield

"The crashed UFO object 'looked like a whale.'"

To be more computer-upload-friendly, the reprints will be divided into parts. Here begins Part 8 of Status Report VII, from February 1994.

The following continues the July 1993 Ohio UFO Notebook article about an alleged Clovis, New Mexico UFO crash site in the late 1950s by William Jones, Director, Mid-Ohio Research Associates (M.O.R.A.) that was begun in Earthfiles, Part 7.

"M.O.R.A. Follow-Up Data from Ohio UFO Notebook July 1993 article by William Jones

According to Jake, he and his two friends had gotten into the area without being noticed. There were between 40 and 50 people in the area, some taking notes and measurements. Fire trucks, pickup trucks, wreckers, and jeeps were parked near the road they came in on. Several 'four-by' covered trucks were parked near the object which was located down in a river bed area. The object was sitting on the surface of the ground. It appeared that the object had come down, skipping over the surface of the ground before sliding down into the river bed. A telephone pole, a fence row, and a number of bushes and small trees had been knocked down.


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