Part 12 – UFO Crash/Retrievals, Status Report VII by Len Stringfield

"... the report on the Kecksburg crash allegedly seen by two different military informants at two different military bases, concluded the object was extraterrestrial." ­ Stan Gordon, Investigator

 "Acorn-shaped" UFO with strange symbols carved around its lower end was described by firemen who went to the crash scene. Object was a "strange copper color." Drawing on December 9, 1993 by Rick Rieger for investigator, Stan Gordon.
"Acorn-shaped" UFO with strange symbols carved around its lower end was described by firemen who went to the crash scene. Object was a "strange copper color." Drawing on December 9, 1993 by Rick Rieger for investigator, Stan Gordon.


A) is curve on Meteor Road where citizens watched; B) is Fire Hall; C) is Hays family's rented farmhouse; D) military concentrated on private lane; E) UFO impact area in ravine. Drawing by Charles M. Hanna, 1990, for Stan Gordon.To be more computer-upload-friendly, the reprints will be divided into parts. Here begins Part 12 of Status Report VII, from February 1994.
A) is curve on Meteor Road where citizens watched; B) is Fire Hall; C) is Hays family's rented farmhouse; D) military concentrated on private lane; E) UFO impact area in ravine. Drawing by Charles M. Hanna, 1990, for Stan Gordon.


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