Scientists Create and Add Elements 113 and 115 to Periodic Table

The superheavy Element 115 was created in a Dubna, Russia, cyclotron by slamming a rare isotope of calcium that has 20 protons at americium which has 95 protons. Four atoms containing 115 protons from the combination and fusion of the calcium and americium were created for less than 100 milliseconds - Element 115 Ununpentium - and then decayed into Element 113 Ununtrium and others. Graphic courtesy Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
The superheavy Element 115 was created in a Dubna, Russia, cyclotron by slamming a rare isotope of calcium that has 20 protons at americium which has 95 protons. Four atoms containing 115 protons from the combination and fusion of the calcium and americium were created for less than 100 milliseconds - Element 115 Ununpentium - and then decayed into Element 113 Ununtrium and others. Graphic courtesy Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

February 6, 2004  Livermore, California - Back in 1989-1990, I had several phone conversations and a meeting with an electrical engineer named Robert Lazar to talk about his alleged firsthand knowledge of non-terrestrial technology. Bob had previously worked at Los Alamos National Laboratory and from the end of 1988 until March 1989 was doing part time work at a highly classified place called "S-4" built inside the Papoose Mountains near Groom Lake, Area 51, at Nellis AFB north of Las Vegas.


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