“Mayan Clock”? in August U. K. Crop Formations

September 2, 2005  Wiltshire, England – Between August 9 and 13, 2005, four patterns emerged in the British crop fields which provoked many people in both hemispheres to link at least two of them to the Mayan: Wayland’s Smithy (August 9, 2005) and Woolstone (August 13, 2005). Both are in the upper right corner of the map below, not far from the Uffington White Horse.

On August 9, 2005, three crop formations were reported in three Wiltshire County sites. Each is marked in yellow, along with the Avebury sacred stone circle at the heart of crop formation country. Northeast of Avebury is Wayland's Smithy megalithic site near Ashbury and Uffington Castle, Wiltshire; southeast is Shalbourne; and straight south of Avebury is Marden.
On August 9, 2005, three crop formations were reported in three Wiltshire County sites. Each is marked in yellow, along with the Avebury sacred stone circle at the heart of crop formation country. Northeast of Avebury is Wayland’s Smithy megalithic site near Ashbury and Uffington Castle, Wiltshire; southeast is Shalbourne; and straight south of Avebury is Marden.

1) Wayland’s Smithy Megalithic Site Near Ashbury – August 9, 2005

Wayland's Smithy, near Ashbury, Wiltshire, ancient megalithic stone circle and long barrow. Photograph © by Alan Fisher.
Wayland’s Smithy, near Ashbury, Wiltshire, ancient megalithic stone circle and long barrow. Photograph © by Alan Fisher.

The Wayland’s Smithy long barrow lies in a plantation of trees on the famous Ridgeway, not far from the Uffington White Horse and Uffington Castle. Excavations in the 1960s revealed the barrow was constructed in two phases. There is a wooden mortuary enclosure with stone floor that was later covered by a trapezoidal mound of chalk. Inside there are three chambers, one main one and two to the sides.

Crop circle photographer and investigator, Lucy Pringle reported: “The magnificent barrow is approximately due south of the formation. The formation therefore is really in a very remote area and a long way into the field. In fact it is on the crest of the hill looking beyond to Swindon.”

Wheat formation estimated to be 320 feet in diameter, reported August 9, 2005, near Wayland's Smithy, Wiltshire, England, stone circle and long barrow. Aerial images © 2005 by Steve Alexander.
Wheat formation estimated to be 320 feet in diameter, reported August 9, 2005, near Wayland’s Smithy, Wiltshire, England, stone circle and long barrow. Aerial images © 2005 by Steve Alexander.
Above and below: Close-up aerial photographs of the Wayland's Smithy, Wiltshire, "Mayan" glyph © 2005 by Lucy Pringle.
Above and below: Close-up aerial photographs of the Wayland’s Smithy, Wiltshire, “Mayan” glyph © 2005 by Lucy Pringle.

Compare the Wayland’s Smithy wheat formation above to last year’s huge “Mayan” wheat pattern below near Silbury Hill and Avebury, Wiltshire, England, created over two days from August 2-3, 2004.

Silbury Hill, Wiltshire, England, created over August 2-3, 2004. Aerial photograph © 2004 by Roiland Beljon.
Silbury Hill, Wiltshire, England, created over August 2-3, 2004. Aerial photograph © 2004 by Roiland Beljon.

Woolstone Hill near Uffington, Oxfordshire – August 13, 2005

Above is an aerial photograph of the approximately 350-foot-diameter wheat formation which was reported on August 13, 2005, at Woolstone Hill, not far from Uffington, Oxfordshire. Aerial photograph © 2005 by Jaime Maussan.
Above is an aerial photograph of the approximately 350-foot-diameter wheat formation which was reported on August 13, 2005, at Woolstone Hill, not far from Uffington, Oxfordshire. Aerial photograph © 2005 by Jaime Maussan.

One Scientist’s Interpretation

An Australian scientist, who requests anonymity, studied the Wayland’s Smithy and Woolstone crop formations and wrote the following summary:

“The appearance of a new and spectacular crop picture at Woolstone Hill, close in time and space to Wayland’s Smithy, suggests that both pictures may have similar meaning, and may be decoded in similar ways.

I already decoded the Wayland’s Smithy picture with great effort, due to its high mathematical complexity. It is a successor to the Silbury Mayan finale of 2004, except now with dates provided in more accurate binary-hexadecimal format.


The Silbury Mayan 2004 finale said in simple graphical terms: “There are only 52 / 6 years remaining until the End of the Fourth Sun in late 2012”. The ancient Mayans used 52 years as their “century”, proceeding in our case from late 1960 to late 2012.

Silbury Hill, Wiltshire, England, created over August 2-3, 2004. Aerial photograph © 2004 by Roiland Beljon.
Silbury Hill, Wiltshire, England, created over August 2-3, 2004. Aerial photograph © 2004 by Roiland Beljon.

In late March 2004, exactly 1 / 6 of that final 52-year time-period was left, hence the crop drawing: a final “box” symbolic of 52 years was subdivided with 6 small fine lines, while a central “clock hand” pointed at the last 1 / 6 line before the end of our current Mayan century.


Now the Wayland’s Smithy 2005 formation also chose as its basic time unit, “one Mayan century” or 52 years, extending from late 1960 to late 2012. And it showed a central crescent Sun to indicate that only 15% is remaining (a bit less than last year). More importantly, it showed two calendar dates in modern computer format, namely binary-hexadecimal or base-16. One of these was “13-10-7”, while the other was “14-5-11”.

Wayland's Smithy, August 9, 2005, Wiltshire.
Wayland’s Smithy, August 9, 2005, Wiltshire.

If you learn how to read binary-hexadecimal, where “15-15-15” is like 9-9-9 in our base-10 system, while “16-0-0” is like 10-0-0, you will see right away that “13-10-7” gives a calendar date very close to 1 year after the same date in late March supplied by the 2004 Silbury drawing.

Whereas “14-5-11” gives a date two years from now in mid-August 2007, or 229 days into the year 2007. I think this crop formation at Wayland’s Smithy gives two different calendar dates in terms of a “current Mayan century”, which began in 1960 and will end in 2012, after 52 years.

One is our “current date”, while the other is a “near future date” of mid-August 2007, when presumably something very important will happen: another earthquake?

Those dates were both coded in “binary-hexadecimal”. Hence the new picture was made by someone conversant with the Mayan calendar, and also with computer coding systems.

Furthermore, the 2005 Mayan finale was made apparently by the sameartist who made the 2004 Mayan finale. Thus a “current date” for the 2004 season was given as “2004. 306” (late March), while a “current date” for the 2005 season was coded as close to “2005. 306”, just one year later (again late March).

Both pictures appeared in the fields in early August. This implies that they were both designed before they were made. Now onto the math.

The current “Mayan century” will end on December 21, 2012, or 2012.973 in our calendar system.

It began exactly 52 years ago on 1960.973, again in our calendar system.

The Mayans assigned 52 years to their “century”, because they used both 365-day and a 260-day calendars. After 52 years, the two calendars would coincide. Thus 52 x 365 = 73 x 260 = 18,980 days.

We still have to add (52 / 4) = 13 days for leap years. This gives a revised total of 18,993 days, but does not affect dates shown above.


Last year in 2004, the Mayan crop finale showed a “current date” of 2012.973 – (52 / 6) = 2012.973 – 8.667 = 2004.306. This corresponds to late March, four months before the crop pattern appeared (see analysis of the 2004 finale by C. Lewis on the CCC website).

Thus last year’s finale said: “there are only 8.67 years remaining until the End of the Fourth Sun in late 2012”.

It also set a “current date” precisely for any crop season in “late March”, probably when many of these patterns were designed, but somewhat before they appeared.


Now for this year 2005, we might expect the “current date” to be coded precisely as 2004.306 + 1.000 = 2005.306.

In terms of a “Mayan century” which began on 1960.973, our “current date” this year would thus be expected to lie 44.333 years from the start, or fractionally (44.333 / 52.000) = 0.8526.


The 2005 Mayan finale showed two different calendar dates in “binary-hexadecimal” coding, details of which may be explained elsewhere. One was “13-10-7-10-13”, reading either direction into the center, while the other was “14-5-11-5-14”, again reading either direction into the center.

Since that coding is redundant, one may reasonably conclude that actual calendar dates might be composed of just three digits as “13-10-7” or “14-5-11” in binary-hexadecimal, and as fractional parts of our current Mayan century.

Twenty boxes around the perimeter of the drawing say that we are using a Mayan calendar;
2 x 8 = 16 fine lines close to the center say that we are using hexadecimal;
two big arrows say which direction to read left-right;
five rows or four bars-bits each show binary coding in units of “O or 1”;
then you add the binary numbers within any row, when multiplied by “8-4-2-1”, to get hexadecimal values of “13-10-7-10-13” or “14-5-11-5-14”.


Next we can show that the first calendar date of “13-10-7” is just our “current date” for the 2005 crop season.

Thus 13 + 10/16 + 7/256 = 13.6523 out of a total 16.0000 for any Mayan century; giving a “current date” of 44.370 years since its start in late 1960; or fractionally 0.8533 as part of a full 52-year period.

We expected a “current date” for 2005 of 44.333, or 0.8526 fractionally, from last year’s 2004 finale. So the difference between last year’s prediction and this year’s coding is just 0.8533 – 0.8526 = 0.0007 Mayan centuries, or about 13 days.

Pretty close! Maybe there is some little factor, which we have not yet taken into account?
The accuracy of that “last digit” for binary-hexadecimal (“7” in “13-10-7”) is 4 days.


At the start of our current Mayan century in late 1960, all of the binary bits would go to zero, and the crop field would appear entirely blank as “0-0-0”.

While at the end of our current Mayan century in late 2012, all of the binary bits would go to one, and the crop field would show solid bars everywhere (5 x 4 within any quadrant) as “15-15-15″.

Both calendar dates “13-10-7” and “14-5-11” therefore would seem to represent times closer to the end 2012 of our current Mayan century, than its beginning in 1960.

Indeed, the “central Sun” of that crop drawing is also drawn as a 15% crescent, indicating visually that “our current Mayan century is now 85% complete“.

Thus “13-10-7” is our current calendar date for 2005, and it will end in 2012 with “15-15-15” = “16-0-0”. The crop artist has been incredibly clever here!


Finally we reach the real heart of the message, which is the other coded calendar date of “14-5-11”.

Now 14 + 5/16 + 11/256 = 14.3555 is a slightly larger part of 16.0000 total per Mayan century.

Hence this other date lies 46.655 years from the start at 1960.973, or (46.655 / 52.000) = 0.8972 fractional part along in our Mayan century.

Using our modern calendar scheme, that translates simply to 2007.628, or 229 days into the year 2007, around mid-August.

With an error of plus or minus 13 days (see above), perhaps due to some small factor we have thus far overlooked.


The new 2005 Mayan finale at Wayland Smithy uses ‘binary-hexadecimal’ to code for two different calendar dates in terms of our current, 52-year “Mayan century”. One is the ‘current date’ for this crop season of late March 2005; while the other is mid-August 2007, when presumably something very important will happen.

Many other features of that remarkable pattern:

20 boxes on the perimeter, divided into eight line segments each;
two broad arrows which tell how to read the binary code left-to-right;
2 x 8 fine lines which tell to read in base-16;
five rows of four bits within any quadrant, as a standard way of defining hexadecimal;
redundant coding as row 1 = 5 and row 2 = 4, leaving only 3 hexadecimal digits per date, even through Mayan Long Count uses five (“almost Long Count but not quite”);
‘15% crescent Sun’ at the very center, telling that only 15% of the current Mayan century now remains;
(could someone try to calculate that 15% more accurately from a better photograph?)
and a match of the “current date” for this year’s crop season, versus the ‘current date’ in 2004 by adding precisely 1.000 year.

“Mayan Clock” with Moving Counter?

The new Woolstone Hill 2005 drawing, laid out next to Wayland’s Smithy in a neighboring field, shows a central six-pointed star surrounded by 16 boxes, each containing 8 line segments of varying length.

Woolstone Hill, August 13, 2005, Uffington, Oxfordshire.
Woolstone Hill, August 13, 2005, Uffington, Oxfordshire.

In the context of Wayland’s Smithy, we can imagine that the central six-pointed star represents our own Fourth Sun which is about to end (cf. 1997 drawing of a similar kind, saying “26 x 30 weeks left until 2012”). Then its surrounding 16 “boxes” would represent the 16 hexadecimal parts of our 52-year Mayan century, beginning in late 1960 and ending in late 2012, each lasting for 3.25 years.

Finally, if you look at those 16 “boxes” carefully, say by focusing on the shortest line within any box, you Will see that each box rotates in general by 90 degrees relative to its neighbor. Thus a numerical pattern of the kind 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16 is created; yet that pattern “breaks” on the last box to read: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-15! So Woolstone Hill seems to mean: ‘everything will go according to past pattern in our current Mayan century, until the last 1 / 16 part (mid-2009 to late-2012) when the course of events change.’

Earthfiles Editor: "I added yellow dots to each of the small repeating 'boxes' to show how they generally move in 90-degree increments beginning in the upper right square at the left, then bottom, then right, right again, then left, bottom, right, top, left, bottom, right, top, left, bottom. The next two squares don't seem to have clearly defined boxes and are the 'breaks' the scientist refers to as "15-15" instead of 15-16." Photograph © 2005 by Jaime Maussan.
Earthfiles Editor: “I added yellow dots to each of the small repeating ‘boxes’ to show how they generally move in 90-degree increments beginning in the upper right square at the left, then bottom, then right, right again, then left, bottom, right, top, left, bottom, right, top, left, bottom. The next two squares don’t seem to have clearly defined boxes and are the ‘breaks’ the scientist refers to as “15-15″ instead of 15-16.” Photograph © 2005 by Jaime Maussan.

Scientist’s Summary Speculation About 2005 Woolstone Hill, Wayland’s Smithy and 2004 Silbury Hill

“In summary, all three crop patterns (2004 Silbury Hill; Wayland’s Smithy; Woolstone Hill) are some of the most intricate ever created and seem to focus on the near-future dates of mid-August 2007, after mid-summer 2009, and late 2012 (December 22, 2012 ends Mayan Grand Calendar) as a significant time indeed. According to Mayan legend, it will be the time of a great worldwide earthquake, also prophesied in other ancient cultures including Judaism, Christianity or the Muslim faith.

The last predicted Mayan date, supposedly a great flood in 3114 B.C., was recently evidenced by ice cores on Kilimanjaro, and quick-frozen animals or plants worldwide (Europe, Siberia or Peru).

The crop artists have further warned us of two other dates preceding 2012: namely mid-August 2007; and all times after mid-summer 2009. One might guess that those could feature precursor earthquakes, similar to Sumatra of December 2004?


How could any advanced intelligence know about earthquakes far in advance? Well, there is a somewhat heretical theory in astronomy known as the “galactic superwave theory”, which argues that our Milky Way (like other spiral galaxies) may periodically emit x-rays or gravity waves from its black-hole center (quantum emissions from a binary black hole) once every 5120 years.

Therefore, if a ‘galactic superwave’ is really headed for Earth from the galactic center, at close to light speed c, then advanced intelligences from elsewhere could only know about it, if they can travel faster than light speed c themselves!

Just like a man in a speedboat, who sees a tsunami headed for some tropical island: he goes there as fast as he can to warn the natives, but they refuse to listen! And they probably would kill him if he stepped ashore to talk in person.


‘Much pain but still time.’ They seem to be doing everything they can to talk to us: even making a copy of Carl Sagan’s message, and sending it back to us! Maybe they did at first send radio signals to the SETI program, but such messages were censored? So now they are making crop pictures instead?”

 Shalbourne, near Oxenwood, Wiltshire – August 9, 2005

Above and below: "Digital disc" pattern about 150 feet in diameter reported August 9, 2005, in wheat, Shalbourne, Wiltshire, England. Aerial photographs © 2005 by Steve Alexander.
Above and below: “Digital disc” pattern about 150 feet in diameter reported August 9, 2005, in wheat, Shalbourne, Wiltshire, England. Aerial photographs © 2005 by Steve Alexander.

Marden, Wiltshire, England – August 9, 2005

Above and below: A "horse" at center of astronomical design? Or another Mayan symbol? Wheat pattern about 150 feet in diameter reported August 9, 2005, at Marden, Wiltshire, England. Aerial images © 2005 by Steve Alexander.
Above and below: A “horse” at center of astronomical design? Or another Mayan symbol? Wheat pattern about 150 feet in diameter reported August 9, 2005, at Marden, Wiltshire, England. Aerial images © 2005 by Steve Alexander.

More Information:

Also see: Cropcircleconnector.com

See other Earthfiles reports about mysterious lights and crop formations in Earthfiles Archives.

  • 07/23/2005 —  Mystery of Six Grass Circle Formations in North Carolina
  • 07/01/2005 —  U. K. Bicyclist Reports Mysterious, Low Hovering Objects Bending Wheat
  • 10/17/2004 —  American Crop Formations: 1880-2004
  • 07/06/2004 —  Additions to Spanish Fork, Utah Formation and Mysterious Lights Seen
  • 05/24/2004 —  Biophysicist W. C. Levengood’s Crop Circle Reports
  • 05/11/2004 —  An Extraordinary Photograph in A Dutch Home
  • 11/01/2003 —  Another Soybean Formation in Ohio
  • 09/06/2003 —  Part 3 – Unusual Soybean Formation Near Serpent Mound, Ohio
  • 08/23/2003 —  Fourteen Crop Formations in Canada
  • 10/03/2002 —  Part 3 – 2002 Crop Formations In Canada
  • 07/25/2002 —  Strange Stem Anomalies in New Dutch Crop Circles
  • 05/11/2002 —  First 2002 Crop Formation In Wiltshire, England
  • 09/22/2001 —  Huge Hexagram Crop Formation in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada
  • 08/29/2001 —  Part 1 – Ground Details of Chilbolton “Face”
  • 08/25/2001 —  Are Crop Formations at Chilbolton Observatory A Response to 1974 Earth Transmission?
  • 06/16/2001 —  Beyond Stonehenge with Astronomer Gerald Hawkins
  • 06/08/2001 —  Another Crop Formation Near Kassel, Germany
  • 03/02/2001 —  Mysterious Lights and Crop Circles – A Book Excerpt
  • 12/13/2000 —  Mysterious Clouds of Light in English Crop Formation

Also, see my book, Mysterious Lights and Crop Circles in Earthfiles Shop.


















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