Update: Part 1, Unusual Animal Deaths

"I investigated one strange animal death in Rio Hondo, New Mexico,
where they found a mutilated bull underneath a trailer, which was amazing! ...It was just a blatant display of power and technology."

- Robert Allen, Gallup, New Mexico

May 25, 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Since at least the 1960s to date, with a major peak in the 1970s, there have been so many cattle mutilations in the United States that sheriffs in Colorado, for example, were traveling to three mutilated carcasses a day still warm to touch. The mutilation phenomenon continues, but its geographic focus changes. Beginning in 2002, there has been a wave of animal mutilations in Argentina. Authorities estimate that more than three thousand cases have been reported to SENASA (Argentina's Dept. of Agriculture), veterinarians, police and other authorities.


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