Part 1: Yosemite National Park and Northridge, California, Aerial Dragonfly “Drones”

“It was like the moment the flashlight light hit the thing, it jerked very quickly and started to move in another direction.”

- Yosemite Park Drone Eyewitness

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“That strange aerial object above the tree was a brilliant, fluorescent apple green in the shape of a horseshoe crab sideways (profile) with a long tail.”

- Robert Mariotti, Northridge Drone Eyewitness

Red circles mark sites where odd, aerial drones have been reported in California, including Big Basin Redwood State Park and Capitola north of Monterey; Lake Tahoe; Yosemite National Park; Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park; Bakersfield general region; and Northridge, California, near Los Angeles. Outside California eyewitness locations have been May 2006 in Birmingham, Alabama; 1987 in Barksdale AFB, Louisiana; and June 25, 2007, near Maxwell AFB, Montgomery, Alabama.
Red circles mark sites where odd, aerial drones have been reported in California, including Big Basin Redwood State Park and Capitola north of Monterey; Lake Tahoe; Yosemite National Park; Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park; Bakersfield general region; and Northridge, California, near Los Angeles. Outside California eyewitness locations have been May 2006 in Birmingham, Alabama; 1987 in Barksdale AFB, Louisiana; and June 25, 2007, near Maxwell AFB, Montgomery, Alabama.

June 15, 2007 Canoga Park, California - Since the first week of May, seven people in California, one in Birmingham, Alabama, and another from Louisiana – for a total of 9 - have reported seeing a dragonfly-shaped aerial object in the sky that has a ring body, a long tail and variations of appendages extending from the ring.


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