The Milky Way Is Devouring the Alien Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy

“After slow, continuous gnawing by the Milky Way, the Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy has been whittled down to the point that it cannot hold itself together much longer. We are seeing Sagittarius at the very end of its life as an intact system.”

- Martin Weinberg, Ph.D., Univ. of Massachusetts

Red denotes the stars of the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy being devoured by our much more massive blue Milky Way galaxy, based on models that match the map of 2MASS M-giant stars. Yellow dot denotes the position of our sun and solar system. Sagittarius debris extends from the denser "core" in upper right, wrapping around the Milky Way and descends through our sun's position. Illustration by David Law, Univ. of Virginia.
Red denotes the stars of the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy being devoured by our much more massive blue Milky Way galaxy, based on models that match the map of 2MASS M-giant stars. Yellow dot denotes the position of our sun and solar system. Sagittarius debris extends from the denser "core" in upper right, wrapping around the Milky Way and descends through our sun's position. Illustration by David Law, Univ. of Virginia.

August 3, 2007  Charlottesville, Virginia - More and more people are depending on the internet for their daily news updates. But there is no overall Web Editor to do a reality check on content. So, finding out what is factual is an ever-increasing challenge.


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