“The corkscrew moving pattern is very curious. You can see it in some detail within the video. It’s very puzzling. We have no idea at this time what the identification of the object is.”
- Chris Rutkowski, UFOROM

January 11, 2008 Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada - Canadian UFO researchers say that the number of unexplained aerial lights and craft reports in that country exceeded 650 in 2007. Of those cases, one of the strangest occurred on Boxing Day (Christmas boxes for employees and the poor), December 26, 2007. The time was 5:30 PM at dusk. Marie Ford-Quigley and her husband were driving near the small town of North Tryon on the south side of Prince Edward Island off the east coast of Canada. What happened next made this headline on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation TV broadcasts and internet news: “Dark spiral in sky remains a mystery.”
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