“The strange thing got closer and closer and had all kinds of arms and legs on it and spirally things (top wires going up into the air) and lights all over it. And it had writing on it that looked like a foreign language.”
– Hartshorne, Oklahoma, Drone Eyewitness, June 2003

March 7, 2008 Hartshorne, Oklahoma, and Van Buren, Arkansas - A year ago on May 11, 2007, Coast to Coast AM webmaster, Lex, received an email letter with several images attached of an odd, dragonfly-shaped, aerial object from a Central California resident who called himself “Chad.” The images were dated May 6, 2007. In addition to the dragonfly-shaped body that had appendages sticking out from a large ring, there was another odd feature. Rising from the ring straight up into the air were slightly curved, thin wires that formed a tall, circular crown above the dragonfly body. Chad was worried about his family's safety and health after he saw the bizarre aerial object at least eight times from his house and on hikes near his home. Neighbors, he said, had also seen the unidentified aerial object.
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