Part 5: Army/CIA Unit Studied the Real UFO Blue Book Cases

“I’m sure the CIA would have killed me to prevent my getting out and talking about the classified UFO stuff. We had 26 people to start with in that CIA Project Blue Book and I was the only one that survived and got out because my boss helped me with the phony body cover.”

- “Stein,” Former Army/CIA UFO Analyst


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September 24, 2008  Albuquerque, New Mexico - The following transcript is from the third taped interview I did by phone with Stein a day after I played excerpts from the previous two recordings with Stein's permission on Dreamland hosted by Art Bell. Since Stein had been warned that his or my or both of our phones were tapped, I called to check about any repercussions from the radio program. He said no one had called him at that point. I also asked him if he could send me copies of his Army Signal Corps discharge records from 1956 to 1960.


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