Mother and Son Watched Cow Rise In Golden-Orange Beam to Disc.

“Paul Bennewitz wondered if the underground military governmental complex was hiding information in league with the bad E. T.s who mutilated animals and abducted the mother and son in the beam of light.”

- Leo Sprinkle, Ph.D., Prof. Emeritus, Psychology


Colorado Grazing Association's mutilated cow found on July 26, 1977, with jaw stripped as thousands have been on cattle, horses, goats, sheep, deer and other animals around the world since the 1960s and before. Photograph by the Logan County Sheriff's Office, Sterling, Colorado.
Colorado Grazing Association's mutilated cow found on July 26, 1977, with jaw stripped as thousands have been on cattle, horses, goats, sheep, deer and other animals around the world since the 1960s and before. Photograph by the Logan County Sheriff's Office, Sterling, Colorado.

October 3, 2008  Laramie, Wyoming - My investigations of the worldwide bloodless animal deaths - that law enforcement has long called “mutilations” - began in September 1979, almost thirty years ago. I was Director of Special Projects in the Denver, Colorado, CBS affiliate, that was then KMGH-TV. For nine months, eighteen hours a day without stop, I tried to get to the bottom of what was causing the animal mutilation mystery. My greatest surprises were the law enforcement who told me they knew we were dealing with “creatures from outer space,” as they put it,  because of the aerial discs, beams of light and even non-human creatures encountered by eyewitnesses in pastures where mutilated animals were found.


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