Part 1: Morphing UFO Over Levittown, PA – Scientific Research

“The morphing aerial object was about 60 to 100 feet away. ... When three oval-shaped lights appeared on the bottom ... sparkling little squares of light came down in a triangular pattern and surrounded the privet bush and silver maple tree.”

- Robert Gardner, PA MUFON

Left: Digital image of curved cylinder, or boomerang aerial object, that morphed into middle pink-colored disc. Right: The pink disc then flashed three oval, white lights on its bottom surface and “little squares of light” dropped like snow in the air around privet bush and silver maple tree, but never reached the ground, floating three feet above yard. Half a dozen sightings April through July 2008, Levittown, Pennsylvania. Image and drawings by resident and eyewitness.
Left: Digital image of curved cylinder, or boomerang aerial object, that morphed into middle pink-colored disc. Right: The pink disc then flashed three oval, white lights on its bottom surface and “little squares of light” dropped like snow in the air around privet bush and silver maple tree, but never reached the ground, floating three feet above yard. Half a dozen sightings April through July 2008, Levittown, Pennsylvania. Image and drawings by resident and eyewitness.   
About thirteen miles northeast of Philadelphia up the Delaware River is Levittown. Close to Levittown is the Oxford Valley Mall, marked with red star above. 2008 UFO reports have ranged from an unidentified aerial object over the mall in January to a series of sightings over a Levittown apartment complex that involved the “snowfall” of little squares of light.
About thirteen miles northeast of Philadelphia up the Delaware River is Levittown. Close to Levittown is the Oxford Valley Mall, marked with red star above. 2008 UFO reports have ranged from an unidentified aerial object over the mall in January to a series of sightings over a Levittown apartment complex that involved the “snowfall” of little squares of light.

November 13, 2008  Levittown, Pennsylvania - On July 13, 2008, I received a phone call from Robert Gardner, MUFON Field Investigator living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Bob wanted to know if I knew a scientist who could analyze “glitter” that had fallen from a pink-colored, aerial disc over an apartment complex in Levittown. Bob's had talked with an eyewitness who first left him with the impression that sparkling, physical material had fallen onto a privet bush growing next to the female eyewitness's apartment. After I asked questions in order to get physical material to a scientist who helps me with energy dispersive spectroscopy and other laboratory tests, Bob learned that there was no physical material. But the eyewitness wanted to know what might have happened to the privet bush growing next to her apartment door. She was alarmed when she found a dead bird near the privet bush the next day after the April 20, 2008, sighting. Later on, the female eyewitness's daughter would also see the aerial craft.


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