February 20, 2008 Albuquerque, New Mexico - The following are some of the Earthfiles viewer comments I have received about the Stephenville and Dublin, Texas, unusual aerial phenomena photographed, videotaped and described by eyewitnesses there since early January 2008. In addition to the large rectangular "frames of white fire" described by pilot and businessman Steve Allen (See 020508Earthfiles), perhaps the most extraordinary aerial event was videotaped on January 19, 2008, between 10:10 p.m. and 10:20 p.m. CST by David Caron near the Stephenville municipal airport. The 12-minute videotape shows a pale-colored, disc-shaped aerial object that suddenly seems to transform into “symbols” that pulse every 15 frames of the videotape, or one every half-second. At Earthfiles, I have shared a clip of the videotape and still frames of the symbols (See 021408 Earthfiles).
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