Part 1: First 2009 U. K. Crop Formations Counting Down to 2012?

“These current formations probably would be considered the most elaborate and geometrically sophisticated oilseed rape/canola formations that have occurred in British crop circle history, I would say.”

- Charles Mallett, Silent Circle Information Center, Calne, U.K.

Silbury Hill in background of June 9, 2008, “eclipse counter” compared by Australian scientist to April 19, 2009, “eclipse counter” at the West Kennett Longbarrow near Silbury Hill. His calculations are in red about the number of weeks the crop glyphs count off between eclipses.
Silbury Hill in background of June 9, 2008, “eclipse counter” compared by Australian scientist to April 19, 2009, “eclipse counter” at the West Kennett Longbarrow near Silbury Hill. His calculations are in red about the number of weeks the crop glyphs count off between eclipses.
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April 30, 2009  Wiltshire, England -  Between April 14 and April 29, 2009, there have been six crop formations reported in oilseed rape in Wiltshire County, England. Five are described as “the most elaborate and geometrically sophisticated oilseed rape formations that have occurred in British crop circle history.”

Those words were said to me earlier this week by long-time crop formation researcher Charles Mallett, who runs the Silent Circle Information Center in Calne west of Avebury. A recent formation reported in the Liddington Castle region is so hard to find that no one knows for sure when it formed and only two ground photographs have been shared so far.


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