Part 1:  Unidentified Beam Technology Near Ft. Stewart, Georgia.

“Two military policemen at the Army's Hunter Airfield near Savannah reported Saturday, September 8, 1973, that an unidentified flying object forced their patrol car off the road during the early morning hours.”

- Atlanta Journal and Constitution, Sept. 9, 1973

  April 1974, Hinesville, Georgia, near Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Air Field (HAAF), a glowing disc appeared to raise a human body in a beam of light. Drawing by former U. S. Army Ranger Derek Smith.
April 1974, Hinesville, Georgia, near Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Air Field (HAAF), a glowing disc appeared to raise a human body in a beam of light. Drawing by former U. S. Army Ranger Derek Smith.

March 30, 2010  Hinesville, Georgia - Glowing beams emitted from unidentified aerial objects have been reported for decades around the world. In a recent report, a former USAF security man described watching a greenish-blue beam aimed at the fuselage of a new C-5 at Vandenberg AFB, California, in December 1969.


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