“There was a beam of light come down and it got that calf and that calf went up in that beam of light and was gone!”
- Montana Rancher
Red circle marks the region in northeastern Montana where mutilated cows were found on April 9 and May 9, 2010. Western Montana around Great Falls has had more than a hundred reported cattle mutilations since the early 1970s.
May 17, 2010 Northeastern Montana - In 1975-1976, there were so many cattle mutilations in Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico and other parts of the United States that sheriffs reported some carcasses were still warm to touch, but had an ear, eye, jaw flesh, tongue, genitals and rectal area excised in a "cookie cutter" surgical fashion without blood and without signs of struggle or tracks from what killed and mutilated the animals.
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