Part 1: Dragonfly Drones, Oltissis and Ethos

“Those from Oltissis are downloading their life essence into the dragonfly drone craft in order to control (from afar?) and do the tests that they need to do with these (dragonfly drone) craft.”

- “Ted Connors,” Security Specialist, Montgomery, Alabama


 Dragonfly-shaped aerial craft photographed by Chad on May 6, 2007, in Bakersfield, California region.
Dragonfly-shaped aerial craft photographed by Chad on May 6, 2007, in Bakersfield, California region.
More complicated dragonfly-shaped aerial craft photographed by Ty Brannigan on June 5, 2007, in Big Basin Redwood State Park near Saratoga, California.
More complicated dragonfly-shaped aerial craft photographed by Ty Brannigan on June 5, 2007, in Big Basin Redwood State Park near Saratoga, California.

June 30, 2011  Montgomery, Alabama - Four years ago in May to June 2007, a series of eyewitnesses in California submitted photographs to Earthfiles and other websites of strange, dragonfly-shaped aerial craft that seemed to flicker in and out of visibility in the sky. Here is a list of Earthfiles reports about the dragonfly drones in the Earthfiles Archive.


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