Viewer Feedback About Small Dragonfly Aerial Machines

“Tilton, New Hampshire policemen reported UFO sightings in the same area [of the strange bug machine] and again the day after the sightings.”

- The Laconia Evening Citizen, October 26, 1974, Laconia, NH

Illustration of small, aerial dragonfly drone machine by eyewitness near Ft. Benning in Atlanta, Georgia, on July 31, 2011. The embossed Epsilon near the red “eyes” is reminiscent of the self-activating software symbols and diagrams on the dragonfly drones and June 2007 leaked CARET document about back engineering of extraterrestrial artifacts at a Palo Alto, Calif. laboratory in the mid-1980s.
Illustration of small, aerial dragonfly drone machine by eyewitness near Ft. Benning in Atlanta, Georgia, on July 31, 2011. The embossed Epsilon near the red “eyes” is reminiscent of the self-activating software symbols and diagrams on the dragonfly drones and June 2007 leaked CARET document about back engineering of extraterrestrial artifacts at a Palo Alto, Calif. laboratory in the mid-1980s.

August 9, 2011  Albuquerque, New Mexico -

Subject: Strange Bug Sighting in 1974 (Dragonfly drone?)
Date: August 8, 2011
To: Linda Moulton Howe <[email protected]>

Dear Linda,

After seeing the Georgia dragonfly drone, I was reminded of something odd that had been sighted and reported in 1974. Please see the copy of the newspaper article below. The description of the August 1974 New Hampshire Strange Bug sounds very much like the July 2011 Georgia Dragonfly Drone.


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