Why Kukulkan Beam Is Likely iPhone Vertical Banding

“The Apple iPhone photo that Hector Siliezar took on July 24, 2009,
at 2:00:31 PM in front of the Mayan El Castillo (Kukulkan) pyramid
at Chichen Itza as a thunderstorm began appears to be an iPhone
glitch of banding caused by the lightning strike.”

- Joe Thibodeau, Embedded Systems Engineer

“None of the technical explanations offered succeed in explaining
why the column of light stops precisely at the top of the pyramid.
This cannot be dismissed as a variant of a technical effect because the
coincidence is simply too implausible. It requires convincing explanation.”

- Whitley Strieber, Author, Solving the Communion Enigma,
and Publisher, Unknowncountry.com


Apple iPhone photo that Hector Siliezar took on July 24, 2009, at 2:00:31 PM in front of the Mayan El Castillo (Kukulkan) pyramid at Chichen Itza as a thunderstorm began and lightning was captured to the left of the “beam.” Foreground left to right:  Stephanie Siliezar then 9 and Destiny Siliezar then 5.
Apple iPhone photo that Hector Siliezar took on July 24, 2009, at 2:00:31 PM in front of the Mayan El Castillo (Kukulkan) pyramid at Chichen Itza as a thunderstorm began and lightning was captured to the left of the “beam.” Foreground left to right:  Stephanie Siliezar then 9 and Destiny Siliezar then 5.

March 12, 2012   Forest Knolls, California - On February 21, 2012, Earthfiles reported “Mayan Kukulkan Pyramid Emits Light Beam in iPhone Photo.”  See 022112 Earthfiles. For that Earthfiles report, I interviewed the original photographer of the Kukulkan beam image, Hector Siliezar, and his wife Glenda Hernadez, who provided the metadata for each of three photographs. Hector took the photos rapidly in succession and only the third contained the pale pink beam rising from the top of the pyramid.


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