Updated: Why Is NASA Faking Gale Crater Images On Mars?

“Since we know that the Google Mars image is older, and of higher
resolution than the fake Photoshopped image, then perhaps as it got closer to the Curiosity Landing date, and the Mars Orbiter was used to take more photos of the Curiosity landing zone ... perhaps NASA saw something that hadn’t been in earlier photos ... and needed to be covered up.”

 - Retired U. S. Navy Captain

“I find it interesting that in Google Earth->Mars, there are two high-resolution image strips of the Curiosity landing area with a big gap between them, and that whatever they're hiding falls in that gap.”

- Daniel


The original Martian Gale crater aerial image on the left was taken by a Mars-orbiting spacecraft and distributed by NASA/JPL. There is no "lake"  with appendages. But in a later NASA/JPL image on the right, for unknown reasons,  the "lake" with appendages has been pasted in to cover up what?  Further, the "lake" was copied and retouched from an actual feature on a high-resolution NASA image discussed below. Source images by NASA/JPL.
The original Martian Gale crater aerial image on the left was taken by a Mars-orbiting spacecraft and distributed by NASA/JPL. There is no "lake" with appendages. But in a later NASA/JPL image on the right, for unknown reasons, the "lake" with appendages has been pasted in to cover up what?  Further, the "lake" was copied and retouched from an actual feature on a high-resolution NASA image discussed below. Source images by NASA/JPL.

Editorial Note: The word "lake" in quotation marks is used throughout this Earthfiles report to denote the darker, lake-like patterns, but does not literally mean liquid water, which cannot last long on the surface of Mars without sublimating into the atmosphere. Speculation is that the darker colored patterns that resemble lakes are mineral residues that are currently unidentified on what appear to be the bottoms of ancient lake beds.

 Extreme close up on the Gale Crater "lake pattern" discussed in this report to show the ripple patterns of the presumed ancient lake bed surrounding the three "islands"  in the "lake," including this largest "island" that was retouched out of the copy/paste digital manipulation of the Gale crater landscape described  in this Earthfiles report. Image source NASA/JPL.
Extreme close up on the Gale Crater "lake pattern" discussed in this report to show the ripple patterns of the presumed ancient lake bed surrounding the three "islands" in the "lake," including this largest "island" that was retouched out of the copy/paste digital manipulation of the Gale crater landscape described in this Earthfiles report. Image source NASA/JPL.

Updated September 24, 2012  Albuquerque, New Mexico - On September 21, I received an email with the following YouTube URL posted on September 19, 2012, by “SunsFlare.” I was asked to view what was described as deliberately faked Gale Crater images on Mars. Gale Crater is where the Curiosity Mars Science Lab rover landed on August 5, 2012, at 10:31 PM Pacific to explore for evidence of water and chemistry of life on the Red Planet.


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