Top Secret FISA Order Requires Verizon to Deliver Daily Millions of American Phone Records to NSA

— “The (leaked) secret FISA document shows for the first time that under the Obama administration the communication records of millions of US citizens are being collected indiscriminately and in bulk –  regardless of whether they are suspected of any wrongdoing.”

- The Guardian, U. K., broke story June 5, 2013

— “The U. S. is that far from a turnkey totalitarian state.”

- William Binney, former NSA official and whistleblower


June 6, 2013  Washington, D. C. - Someone has leaked to The Guardian in the U. K., which published in its June 5, 2013, edition the following 4-page TOP SECRET//SI//NOFORN order by Roger Vinson, Judge, U. S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) that was signed on April 25, 2013, authorizing Verizon to hand over to the National Security Agency (NSA) “all ‘telephony metadata’ created by Verizon for communications between the United States and abroad or wholly within the United States, including local telephone calls” until July 19, 2013.

First page of 4-page Top Secret//SI//NOFORN order granted by the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) on April 25, 2013, that requires Verizon until July 19, 2013, to turn over all requested American phone numbers for both parties in calls, location data, call duration, unique identifiers and time and duration of all calls  within the United States and between the U. S. and other countries.
First page of 4-page Top Secret//SI//NOFORN order granted by the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) on April 25, 2013, that requires Verizon until July 19, 2013, to turn over all requested American phone numbers for both parties in calls, location data, call duration, unique identifiers and time and duration of all calls within the United States and between the U. S. and other countries.


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