Strange Metallic Horns and Boom Reports Persist In 2014

“I heard the more metallic sounds that were described by one of the women in your Earthfiles interview. It did sound like a road grader with the blade down on asphalt or metal.”

- Resident of Brookings, South Dakota, January 2014

“The shofar (ram's horn) is mentioned frequently in the Hebrew Bible, the Talmud and rabbinic literature. The loud horn sound of a shofar emanating  from the thick cloud on Mount Sinai made the Israelites tremble in awe.”

- Wikipedia about Exodus 19:16-19

Archangel Michael depicted on the Ponte Sant'Angelo bridge in Rome, Italy, who is described in the Quran as “blowing on his trumpet, calling the angels when this Age is about to pass away.” See also: The Trumpet Is Blown Or Is It?
Archangel Michael depicted on the Ponte Sant'Angelo bridge in Rome, Italy, who is described in the Quran as “blowing on his trumpet, calling the angels when this Age is about to pass away.” See also: The Trumpet Is Blown Or Is It?

February 15, 2014 Albuquerque, New Mexico - Since my January 2014 Earthfiles, Coast and Dreamland Online reports about persistent strange horn/trumpet sounds mixed with loud, unexplained booms and vibrations, I have received dozens more reports from listeners and viewers. Many people are asking me about shofars, mentioned frequently in the Hebrew Bible, the Talmud and rabbinic literature and sometimes called “the first trump of God.” Shofars are made from the horns of sheep, kudu, rams, or other cloven-hoofed animals, but not cows.


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