Eerie Metallic Scraping Sounds Heard from Michigan to Alaska

— “If you had a snowplow going down a dry street and you had this loud
sound of scraping metal against concrete, almost like a squealing as it’s scraping.”

- Pattie, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor

— “All of a sudden I heard an extremely loud screeching noise.
It sounded like a 10,000-gallon steel drum being drug over a bed or rocks.”

- Gordon, Construction, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska


June 26, 2014 - Since the phenomenon of strange sounds around the world began in early 2011, perhaps the oddest is the metallic scraping or trumpet sounds. Recently on June 18, 2014, an administrative assistant in the University of Michigan Health System in Ann Arbor arrived home from work in the early afternoon before a thunderstorm. She has asked me to call her Pattie. Upstairs her partner was working and across the street a neighbor was home. All three heard a loud, metallic scraping sound seeming to come from the sky that lasted for several seconds. Pattie compares the mysterious sound to “a snowplow going down a dry street ... almost like a squealing as it's scraping.”

Ann Arbor is only a few miles west of Detroit, Michigan, where a bizarre buzzing sound has been reported by hundreds of residents as persisting on and off since around 2009,  without authorities being able to locate precisely its source or to stop it. See:  100411Earthfiles  “What Are Strange ‘Hums’' That Keep People Awake?"
Ann Arbor is only a few miles west of Detroit, Michigan, where a bizarre buzzing sound has been reported by hundreds of residents as persisting on and off since around 2009, without authorities being able to locate precisely its source or to stop it. See:  100411Earthfiles “What Are Strange ‘Hums’' That Keep People Awake?"



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