Whose Large, Silent Aerial Drone Is This?

“The central portion of the object was a sphere about 25 feet in diameter ... no sound was heard and no apparent method of locomotion was observed.”

- One of  three eyewitnesses at Montauk Harbor, LINY, August 1, 2014


Silent, 6-legged aerial object  with central 25-foot-diameter sphere seen by three eyewitnesses on August 1, 2014, from Montauk Harbor restaurant, Long Island, New York.
Silent, 6-legged aerial object with central 25-foot-diameter sphere seen by three eyewitnesses on August 1, 2014, from Montauk Harbor restaurant, Long Island, New York.
Montauk Harbor is 104 miles east of New York City at the tip of Long Island in East Hampton, Suffolk County. Population is about 3,400.
Montauk Harbor is 104 miles east of New York City at the tip of Long Island in East Hampton, Suffolk County. Population is about 3,400.


October 4, 2014  Montauk Harbor, East Hampton, Long Island New York - The furthest tip of Long Island is 104 miles east of New York City ending at Montauk in East Hampton, Suffolk County, Long Island New York. Extending out into the Atlantic Ocean with Long Island Sound to the north, Montauk has always had strategic importance since the American Revolution. That's when the Montauk Lighthouse was used to lookout for British ships that might try to sail into Manhattan or Boston.


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