“An enormous, deep and sonically powerful boom that shook the entire house and windows occurred around 7:29 a.m CST. Jan. 12th.”
- Todd Seelye, Cedar Falls, Iowa, January 12, 2015

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January 14, 2015 - Earthfiles began reporting unusual, unexplained loud booms, metallic and trumpet sounds in North America and other parts of the world in 2011 to date. Some geographic locations have had repeating cycles of boom reports, including Logan County, Oklahoma. Recently on January 8 and 9, 2015, at about the same time each day — 11:19 AM Central — a loud boom hit Norman south of Oklahoma City. Hundreds of people reached out to TV and social media such as Anthony Young, who told KOCO-TV about the rattling windows in his house: "We thought some nut was out here, you know, with explosives. It sounded like thunder. You could feel the ground shake, but it was nothing like an earthquake."
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