Part 2: Another Ice Pattern in Ohio— and Then Mystery Solved

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February 8, 2015 Chagrin Falls, Ohio, and Elizabeth, Colorado - On February 4, 2015, for the Earthfiles interview with Jan and Mike Price in previous Part 1 about the circular "dinner plate-sized" ice patterns the couple reported had mysteriously emerged on their driveway and cement walk in Elizabeth, Colorado, Mike sent a sketch he made based on the many photographs he took of the strange prints.

Mike Price's illustration sent to Earthfiles based on his December 23, 2014, images of the strange  ice patterns beneath fresh fallen snow on the Price's driveway and cement walk to their house in Elizabeth, Colorado.
Mike Price's illustration sent to Earthfiles based on his December 23, 2014, images of the strange ice patterns beneath fresh fallen snow on the Price's driveway and cement walk to their house in Elizabeth, Colorado.

The original emphasis in their report was the large, circular nature of the ice patterns after a night in which Jan Price and her mother never left their house during the snow fall and Jan was puzzled by the agitated behavior of her daughter's dog, seeming to be afraid of something and hiding under the bed.


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