Were Blood and Immune Chemistry Altered in Human Child by Non-Humans During Abduction?

“It seemed as though there were things in each arm when
I was on that table, as in pumping in and pumping out.
...It seemed to be related to blood products.”

- Wade Vernon, Hypnotherapist and Author, Force Fields


February 27, 2015 Albuquerque, New Mexico - In 2014, a book was published entitled Force Fields: Alien Visitations To A Planet Living In The Dark. The author, 58-year-old Wade Vernon born on November 16, 1956, is a resident of Austin, Texas. His book details experiences he has had since childhood in the UFO mystery. Like many people in the human abduction syndrome, early childhood is when interactions with E. T.s begins. For Wade it was age 3 — the first and probably most important interaction to the rest of his life, but he did not remember until much later. What did shock him and convinced Wade that UFOs were real was a star-like object that seemed to jump in seconds from the night sky to outside his bedroom window. Close up it was a disc-shaped craft that emitted intensely bright, white light only 20 feet from him.


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