Grey Non-Human “Floats Up” Out of Human Body On Massage Table.

“All of a sudden this woman (being massaged) turned into a very slender, very pale, kind of ash-skin alien with big eyes and a very big head.”

- Cindy Shilf, Professional Licensed Masseuse, Chicago, Illinois

Bizarre "electrostatic transformation" from female to Grey being during professional massage therapy in Chicago, Illinois,  2005-2006 time frame. Illustration by Cinde Shilf for © 2015.
Bizarre "electrostatic transformation" from female to Grey being during professional massage therapy in Chicago, Illinois, 2005-2006 time frame. Illustration by Cinde Shilf for © 2015.

September 25, 2015 Chicago, Illinois - Back in the mid-1980s after I had produced the television documentary A STRANGE HARVEST about the worldwide, bloodless animal mutilation phenomenon that law enforcement linked to “creatures from outer space,” I received a phone call from a professional massage therapist working in Boulder, Colorado. She said she had just experienced something so weird she didn’t know what to do, but she had seen me on television and thought maybe I could help her understand what had happened. She said she had been massaging a man’s chest when all of a sudden a “thing” that looked like a Grey alien came rising out of the man’s body in a kind of translucent form that she could partially see through and could see her hands stopped on the man’s chest beneath the rising Grey translucent body. She realized she could not move or yell out or do anything. But whatever the Grey thing was, it kept rising and suddenly she could move again like normal. The man had not reacted to anything and seemed unaware that a Grey non-human had just floated up out of his body.


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