Updated with mp3 audio on October 29, 2015. Part 1: Strange Symbols On Disc and Binary Code Download in Georgia

“This big disc had symbols on it that looked like they were part of the object's metallic skin, but a darker color within the smooth metal surface, not raised or etched in, I don't think.”

- “C. J.,” Sergeant First Class, U. S. Army

Two of these June 29, 2015, Georgia UFO symbols above sketched by U. S. Army Sgt. First Class "C. J." are similar to two of the  December 26, 1980, U. K. Rendlesham Forest UFO symbols sketched by USAF Staff Sgt. James Penniston compared in Parts 1 and 2 of this Earthfiles  report. Also see the comparison of their respective telepathic downloads of binary code in Part 2 of this Earthfiles report.
Two of these June 29, 2015, Georgia UFO symbols above sketched by U. S. Army Sgt. First Class "C. J." are similar to two of the December 26, 1980, U. K. Rendlesham Forest UFO symbols sketched by USAF Staff Sgt. James Penniston compared in Parts 1 and 2 of this Earthfiles report. Also see the comparison of their respective telepathic downloads of binary code in Part 2 of this Earthfiles report.

Updated October 29, 2015 - Albuquerque, New Mexico - The sun set at 8:35 PM Eastern on Tuesday, June 28, 2015, in Richmond Hill, Georgia, a few miles southwest of Savannah and the Hunter Army Airfield. Two hours before at 5:34 PM, Army Sergeant 1st Class “C.J.”, his wife, two children, a dog and a cat set off in their pickup truck for a family move to Colorado Springs, Colorado, and Fort Carson. C. J. programmed their Colorado Springs “final destination” into his new GPS.


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