UPDATE Part 4:  Updates On RAF Bentwaters Mystery – Analysis Problems in Penniston’s Telepathic Download of Binary Code

Summary of 5 pages of Jim Penniston's December 1980 hand-written binary code after December 26th encounter with lights and triangular craft of unknown origin in Rendlesham Forest near Capel Green farm field in Woodbridge. Translation by Dr. Horace R. Drew and Dr. Mike Reed on November 11, 2010.
Summary of 5 pages of Jim Penniston's December 1980 hand-written binary code after December 26th encounter with lights and triangular craft of unknown origin in Rendlesham Forest near Capel Green farm field in Woodbridge. Translation by Dr. Horace R. Drew and Dr. Mike Reed on November 11, 2010.

Return to Part 1.

UPDATE May 30, 2016 Reprint in collaboration with PHENOMENON Radio interview by John Burroughs and Linda Moulton Howe with retired British Transport Police officer and founder of Police Reporting UFO Sightings (PRUFOS), Gary Heseltine. These original Earthfiles 4-part reports were first published beginning January 1, 2011, after return to United States from Woodbridge, Suffolk, England, TV production by Ancient Aliens for The History Channel.

January 7, 2011 - There are problems in trying to translate the stream of zeros and ones that former RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge Staff Sergeant James Penniston wrote down in his notebook after the traumatic encounter with lights and craft of unknown origin on December 26, 1980.

First, are the stream of numbers translatable in 7-bit ASCII (pre-1986) or 8-bit ASCII (post- 1986)? Willing to take on the task were two retired scientists:


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