Two Northern Mysteries — Strange, Persistent Ping from Arctic Seafloor and “UFO? or 1950 Bomb?” Northwest of Vancouver, B. C.

“Fury and Hecla Strait is one of the major hunting areas in the summer
and winter because it's an area of open water surrounded by ice that's abundant with sea mammals. And this time around, this summer (2016), there were hardly any (seals and whales). And this became a suspicious thing.”

- Paul Quassa, Legislative Assembly Member
for Igloolik, Nunavut, Canada

“It resembled a bagel cut in half, and then around the circle of the bagel
these bolts ... bigger than basketballs ... all molded into it, like half spheres. It was the strangest thing I had ever seen.”

- Sean Smyrichinsky, Diver near Haida Gwaii,
an archipelago some 466 air miles (750 km) NW of Vancouver, B. C.,
describing 12-foot-long, round, metallic object on seafloor

November 6, 2016 Arctic Fury and Hecla Strait; and Haida Gwaii Archipelago northwest of Vancouver, B. C., Canada -

Fury and Hecla Strait - Mystery Pinging Sound

Fury and Hecla Strait is a narrow channel of water in Nunavut, which is the most recent, largest and least populated territory in Canada, west of Greenland. Normally the strait is full of seals, whales and other marine animals because the spot doesn't ice over through most of the year. But since the summer of 2016, the waters have been eerily empty alerting locals that something is wrong and fishermen hear and feel the pinging coming through the hulls of their wooden boats. Image by City Escapes/
Fury and Hecla Strait is a narrow channel of water in Nunavut, which is the most recent, largest and least populated territory in Canada, west of Greenland. Normally the strait is full of seals, whales and other marine animals because the spot doesn't ice over through most of the year. But since the summer of 2016, the waters have been eerily empty alerting locals that something is wrong and fishermen hear and feel the pinging coming through the hulls of their wooden boats. Image by City Escapes/


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