Part 3 – Secret History of CIA, NSA and DIA Investigations into Extrasensory Perception

— “What was also remarkable about Edgar Mitchell (Apollo 14 astronaut and founder of the Noetic Institute) was that he was one of the first fronts for the CIA.”

- Annie Jacobsen, author of  “PHENOMENA: The Secret History of the U. S. Government's Investigations into Extrasensory Perception (ESP) and Psychokinesis (PK).”

On February 6, 1971, astronaut Edgar D. Mitchell, Apollo 14 Lunar Module pilot, got lost while trying to reach Cone Crater to collect rock samples that might finally confirm the moon's age. The astronauts ran out of time before they could get to Cone Crater and Dr. Mitchell was very disappointed. But then he had a consciousness epiphany on the way back to Earth. Image by NASA.
On February 6, 1971, astronaut Edgar D. Mitchell, Apollo 14 Lunar Module pilot, got lost while trying to reach Cone Crater to collect rock samples that might finally confirm the moon's age. The astronauts ran out of time before they could get to Cone Crater and Dr. Mitchell was very disappointed. But then he had a consciousness epiphany on the way back to Earth. Image by NASA.


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