“So yeah, it’s not an obelisk or aliens, but certainly something to check out, and hard to discern much from the image.”
— Andrew Jones @AJ_Fl at 1:03 AM, December 3, 2021, Twitter web app.
China’s Chang’e 4 lunar lander panorama of the moon’s far side on Friday, January 3, 2019. Image by China National Space Administration, CNSA.
December 6, 2021 Albuquerque, New Mexico – Last month in November, China’s Yutu 2 rover was exploring inside the Von Karman 115-mile-wide crater shown above. Yutu 2 has been rolling around in the crater since January 3, 2019, after China’s Chang’e 4 lunar lander came down on the moon’s far side. Now, two years later in November 2021, the photograph below of a “cube-shaped object” was taken by the rover.

Chang’e 4 scientists want to get closer to the horizon “cube” and hope between December 3 to December 6, 2021, that Yutu 2 will be close enough for identification. The China National Space Administration is calling it “mystery house.” But others speculate it could be a large rock perhaps knocked to the horizon line by a meteor impact.
Andrew Jones, Reporter, Twitter, December 3, 2021, 1:03 AM
Andrew Jones @AJ_Fl at 1:03 AM, December 3, 2021, Twitter web app.
More Information:
07-02-2016 – NASA Photo Lab Tech Saw Negative of Alien “Object” On Moon Blacked Out.
07-01-2016 – Former NASA Engineer Says 5 Structured Domes in Moon Crater Photo Blacked Out
08-19-2014 – Part 2: Lunar “Humanoid Shadows” Probably Processing Errors, But Lead to More Mysterious Sites
12-08-2006 – NASA Wants Permanent Moon Base by 2024
Planetary.org: https://www.planetary.org/space-missions/change-4
Earth Observation Portal Directory — Chang’e-4 Far Side Moon-landing China Mission:
Far Side Moon Images by Chang’e-4 in January 2020:
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