What Is “Cube-Shaped” Object on Moon’s Far Side Spotted by China Rover?


“So yeah, it’s not an obelisk or aliens, but certainly something to check out, and hard to discern much from the image.”

Andrew Jones @AJ_Fl at 1:03 AM, December 3, 2021, Twitter web app.


China's Chang'e 4 lunar lander took this panorama of the moon's far side on Friday, January 3, 2020. Image by China National Space Administration, CNSA.

China’s Chang’e 4 lunar lander panorama of the moon’s far side on Friday, January 3, 2019. Image by China National Space Administration, CNSA.


December 6, 2021 Albuquerque, New Mexico – Last month in November, China’s Yutu 2 rover was exploring inside the Von Karman 115-mile-wide crater shown above. Yutu 2 has been rolling around in the crater since January 3, 2019, after China’s Chang’e 4 lunar lander came down on the moon’s far side. Now, two years later in November 2021, the photograph below of a “cube-shaped object” was taken by the rover.

“Cube-shaped object” at center of this China Yutu 2 lunar rover image of the moon’s far side horizon as Yutu 2 was exploring the Von Karman crater last month in November 2021. The unidentified horizon object is about 260 feet (80 meters) from the Yutu rover. Image by CNSA/Our Space.

Chang’e 4 scientists want to get closer to the horizon “cube” and hope between December 3 to December 6, 2021, that Yutu 2  will be close enough for identification. The China National Space Administration is calling it “mystery house.” But others speculate it could be a large rock perhaps knocked to the horizon line by a meteor impact.

Andrew Jones, Reporter, Twitter, December 3, 2021, 1:03 AM

Andrew Jones @AJ_Fl at 1:03 AM, December 3, 2021, Twitter web app.
Andrew Jones @AJ_Fl at 1:03 AM, December 3, 2021, Twitter web app.


More Information:

07-02-2016 – NASA Photo Lab Tech Saw Negative of Alien “Object” On Moon Blacked Out.
07-01-2016 – Former NASA Engineer Says 5 Structured Domes in Moon Crater Photo Blacked Out
08-19-2014 – Part 2: Lunar “Humanoid Shadows” Probably Processing Errors, But Lead to More Mysterious Sites
12-08-2006 – NASA Wants Permanent Moon Base by 2024


Planetary.org:  https://www.planetary.org/space-missions/change-4

Earth Observation Portal Directory — Chang’e-4 Far Side Moon-landing China Mission:

Far Side Moon Images by Chang’e-4 in January 2020:

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