Part 4: Tappen, North Dakota, High Strangeness Provokes Many Emails from Viewers and Listeners

"In the barracks, I was awakened by something next to my bed and I felt a jolt go through my lower right leg. As I came more fully aware, I saw a rather tall, 'grey,' lanky-type alien at the foot of my bed."

- Sergeant, Camp Roberts, California

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Reposted April 1, 2022 - February 18, 2007  Albuquerque, New Mexico - On January 26, 2007, I posted a 3-part Earthfiles entitled "Tappen, North Dakota: Encounters with Non-Humans" in text/images and podcast.  That night on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, I also reported about the Tappen, North Dakota, cattle ranch family that have had an extraordinary series of events occur since October 2005.

After my January 26th Earthfiles and Coast news updates about the extraordinary Tappen, North Dakota, events, I have received hundreds of emails from viewers and listeners who have also encountered lights, craft and creatures. In this Part 1, and subsequent reports, I am sharing some of those many emails without name attribution. My hope is that others will come forward with firsthand experiences about interactions with non-humans. My email address is: [email protected]. All requests for anonymity are respected.


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