Scientist’s Record Sun’s Plasma Interaction with Comet NEAT

"I believe this is the first time we have observed a coronal mass ejection (from the sun) apparently interacting with a comet."

- Gareth Lawrence, Ph.D., Goddard Space Flight Center

Large Angle Spectrometric Coronograph (LASCO) aboard  the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) satellite captured this  image of the sun's ejection of a large plasma toward the approaching Comet NEAT  on February 18, 2003 at 05:54 Universal Time. The head of the comet was estimated  to be 100,000 kilometers in diameter (62,150 miles). Image courtesy of NASA/SOHO/JPL.
Large Angle Spectrometric Coronograph (LASCO) aboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) satellite captured this image of the sun's ejection of a large plasma toward the approaching Comet NEAT on February 18, 2003 at 05:54 Universal Time. The head of the comet was estimated to be 100,000 kilometers in diameter (62,150 miles). Image courtesy of NASA/SOHO/JPL.

March 7, 2003  Greenbelt, Maryland - Comet NEAT was named after the "Near-Earth Asteroid Tracking System" based at the Jet Propulsion System in Pasadena, California. NEAT's job is to monitor the solar system for comets and asteroids that might be on a collision course with Earth and warn about size and nearest approach date. The comet was not discovered by the NEAT system until November 6, 2002. When it was first seen, it was extremely faint to even the most sensitive ground-based observatories. But as it moved in its orbit toward the sun, it began to brighten intensely as gas and dust cooked off the comet and deflected sunlight back towards the Earth. The comet brightened so much faster than predicted that some scientists were worried nothing would be left. At its closest to the Earth on December 24, 2002, it was .8 of an Astronomical Unit from our planet, or about 74 million miles.


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Censorship By Omission and Comments from MUFON’s John Schuessler

March 3, 2003  Littleton, Colorado - This morning Cherlette LeFevre of the Seattle UFO/Paranormal Group told me that the SUPG board of directors voted to "dis-invite" me from being the long-scheduled evening speaker on the first night of their May 2003 Seattle conference, "because of the controversial nature of the Brazil case." (See Earthfiles February and March 2003 reports about Corguinho, Brazil.) Cherlette emphasized that MUFON members had been e-mailing her group to protest a presentation of the Urandir Oliveira "hoax," as branded by Brazil MUFON Director and publisher of Brazilian UFO Magazine, Ademar Jose Gevaerd, known as A. J.


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Part 3 – Corguinho, Brazil: Return from the Non-Human Craft on September 18, 2002


Drawings for Linda Moulton Howe by Urandir Oliveira  on February 9, 2003, of non-human craft, decontamination bubble  and violet-colored transport beam, © 2003 by
Drawings for Linda Moulton Howe by Urandir Oliveira on February 9, 2003, of non-human craft, decontamination bubble and violet-colored transport beam, © 2003 by

February 26, 2003  Corguinho, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil - The transport process was reversed, according to Urandir Oliveira, when the tall, blond beings decided to return him on the evening of September 18, 2002, after three days on a second floor room where a large wall screen showed Urandir and many other non-human beings images of Earth's alleged future. During our February 10, 2003, interview about the experience, I asked Urandir if he and the others were in the same room all three days. He answered, "Yes, it's like the walls were endless. I walked, but never reached the walls, so it gave the impression that the room was really big. I explained to him that other people have described "infinite" interiors in non-human craft and have been given information that time and space are some how distorted within the craft. But Urandir did not have such knowledge.


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Six Unidentified Triangular Aerial Craft Over Uinta Mountains, Utah.

"d. Airfoil or triangular shape. This (extraterrestrial) craft is believed to be new technology due to the rarity and recency of the observations. Radar indicates an isoceles triangle profile, the longest side being nearly 300 feet in length. Little is known about the performance of these craft due to the rarity of good sightings, but they are believed capable of high speeds and abrupt maneuvers similar to or exceeding the performance attributed to types 'a' and 'c.'"

­ Page 5, TOP SECRET /MAJIC, "Restricted SOM1-01 Majestic-12 Group Special Operations Manual for Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology, Recovery and Disposal," U. S. War Office, April 1954.

Between Strawberry Reservoir and Duchesne, Utah - marked in yellow - is the hilltop house of Kim and Sheila Peterson, retired, which faces the Uinta Mountains east of Salt Lake City.
Between Strawberry Reservoir and Duchesne, Utah - marked in yellow - is the hilltop house of Kim and Sheila Peterson, retired, which faces the Uinta Mountains east of Salt Lake City.

February 1, 2003  Duchesne, Utah -  Near the Strawberry Reservoir west of Duchesne, Utah, Kim and Sheila Peterson moved into a hilltop home in 1997 to escape the stress of urban life in Salt Lake City 100 miles west. A deck off their house faces the Uinta Mountain range and watching sunsets and starry nights from that deck has become a ritual. Over the past five years, Kim Peterson says he and Sheila have seen more than fifty incidents of highly strange and unidentified aerial objects hovering or moving in the sky, day or night. The most recent was January 5, 2003, at 11 p.m.


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