Part 4: Retrievals of the Third Kind – A Case Study of Alleged UFOs and Occupants in Military Custody

"While waiting for a sign of intent, a humanoid was observed to disembark from the UFO craft, which was described as 'short and stocky.' Then a beam of light was directed at the Colonel. The Colonel was instantly paralyzed."

- Source: General "T", Wright-Patterson AFB


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Part 6: The UFO Crash/Retrieval Syndrome: Status Report II – New Sources, New Data

"The movie showed a circular, metal silvery disc on the ground. The inside was well lighted, of a light color and with smooth walls. The scene shifted to show at least three bodies lying on tables. The beings were short, all looked alike and did not have any ears (external) or hair."

- Retired U. S. Air Force Colonel


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Part 3: UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum – Status Report VI © July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield

© July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield

With permission, reprinted in © 2004 by Linda Moulton Howe.

Click here to see Part 1 of Status Report VI

To be more computer-friendly, the reprint has been divided into parts. Here begins Part 3 of Status Report VI, from July 1991. These status reports were written by Leonard H. Stringfield from 1978 to 1994. Status Report VII begins at Earthfiles 12/15/03. Leonard Stringfield died on December 18, 1994.

Len Stringfield - continued:

Roswell is a small town's name in New Mexico, adjacent to the old air base known as Roswell Air Field to its south. Both town and base are 75 miles away from the Max Brazel ranch near the still smaller town of Corona. There, allegedly, an alien saucer with its crew crashed on July 2, 1947. (Dates vary). Niched in history because of that event, Roswell will become even more enshrined when new evidence will be released in 1991 in two books. One entitled, UFO Crash At Roswell is co-authored by Don Schmitt, Director of Special Investigations for CUFOS, and Kevin Randle, Captain, USAF Reserves. The other is by scientist Stanton Friedman and aviation writer, Don Berliner. All four are battle-tested UFO researchers. And lest we forget, it was Bill Moore (and co-author Charles Berlitz) with Stan Friedman whose spadework investigations put the "Roswell Incident" on the map in a book of that title published in 1980.)


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Part 2 – U. S. Presidents and UFO Investigations

President Ronald Reagan on left, wife Nancy, and on right, E.T. film director, Steven Spielberg, at White House screening in 1982. Photograph from Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Simi Valley, California.
President Ronald Reagan on left, wife Nancy, and on right, E.T. film director, Steven Spielberg, at White House screening in 1982. Photograph from Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Simi Valley, California.

Continued from Part 1:

Reposted January 22, 2024 - October 28, 2003 - Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada - Moments after the photograph above was taken in late June 1982, Steven Spielberg screened E.T.:The Extraterrestrial for President Ronald Reagan and First Lady, Nancy Reagan. Near the end of the movie, Reagan allegedly leaned over to Spielberg and stated, "You know, I bet there aren't six people in this room who know just how true this really is." (Source: Reagan Library)


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Part 1 – What Does NASA Know About 1965 Aerial Vehicle Crash in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania?

Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, is about 35 miles southeast of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, is about 35 miles southeast of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
The unidentified aerial object reportedly fell at 4:47 p.m. on December 9, 1965, in a large wooded area near the village of Kecksburg, Pennsylvania. Aerial photograph © 1998 by Stan Gordon Productions.
The unidentified aerial object reportedly fell at 4:47 p.m. on December 9, 1965, in a large wooded area near the village of Kecksburg, Pennsylvania. Aerial photograph © 1998 by Stan Gordon Productions.

Reposted January 18, 2024 - October 25, 2003 Greensburg, Pennsylvania - In 2002, former President Bill Clinton's Chief of Staff, John Podesta, joined the Sci-Fi Channel in a request to the Bush administration to release all documents it has on the Kecksburg, Pennsylvania "UFO crash" of December 9, 1965.


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Part 2: What Ancient Archaeology IS in Antarctica?

“Who tampers with Google maps once an image with lat/long are given in a public web forum or news media about a subject as apparently sensitive to government intelligence agencies as the alien presence of ancient archaeological structures and artifacts in Antarctica?"

- Linda Moulton Howe, Reporter and Editor


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Part 1: What Ancient Archaeology IS in Antarctica?

— “My government, NASA, which many of us in the U. S. say stands for Never A Straight Answer, proceeded to erase 40 rolls of film of the Apollo Program — the flight to the Moon, the flight around the Moon, the landings on the Moon, the walking of guys here and there. NASA erased, for Christ's sake, 40 rolls of film of those events! Now we're talking about several thousand individual frames that were taken that the so-called authorities determined that you did not have a right to see ... (because) they were 'disruptive,' 'socially unacceptable,' 'politically unacceptable.' I've become furious. I'm a retired Command Sgt. Major. I was never famous for having a lot of patience.”

- Bob Dean, U. S. Army Command Sgt. Major /
NATO Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE),
speaking to European Exopolitics Summit, Barcelona, July 25, 2009


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Part 5:  Couple Lifted in Car by Beam of Cerulean Blue Light

“There are other dimensions ... more than three dimensions. Everywhere it all works together. Everything co-exists. There's different dimensions we can't go into.”

- UFO abductee, Longmont, Colorado, November 1980


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Part 4:  Couple Lifted in Car by Beam of Cerulean Blue Light

“He's got flat ends of fingers ... the ends of the fingers are big. They don't taper like mine do. They are round, flat ends. Looks like a frogman?”

- UFO abductee, Longmont, Colorado, November 1980


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