Former White House Aide, John Podesta, Says Government Should Open Up UFO Files

White House Chief of Staff, John Podesta, (on right) briefs President Bill Clinton as they walk to the Oval Office in 1999, Washington, D. C. Photograph courtesy White House files.
White House Chief of Staff, John Podesta, (on right) briefs President Bill Clinton as they walk to the Oval Office in 1999, Washington, D. C. Photograph courtesy White House files.

October 26, 2002  Washington, D. C. - A former Chief of Staff in the Clinton White House met with reporters at the Press Club in Washington, D. C. on Tuesday, October 22, to talk about Area 51 in Nevada and its relationship to UFOs. John Podesta was President Bill Clinton's Chief of Staff, is a visiting professor at the Georgetown University Law Center, and now runs a public relations firm in Washington called PodestaMattoon. Earlier this year he was hired by the State of Nevada to lobby Congress into rejecting using the Yucca Mountain site northwest of Las Vegas as a nuclear waste repository. He was not successful.


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63 A.D. Inscription Refers to “Jesus.”

"First appearance in the archaeological record," say experts.

Limestone ossuary dated to A.D. 63 inscribed in Aramaic with the word "Jesus." Photograph courtesy Biblical Archaeology Society.
Limestone ossuary dated to A.D. 63 inscribed in Aramaic with the word "Jesus." Photograph courtesy Biblical Archaeology Society.

October 22, 2002  Washington, D. C. - The first and only appearance, so far, of the word “Jesus” inscribed in the archaeological record has been discovered by Andre Lemaire, a French expert in ancient inscriptions. Dated to A.D. 63, the words in Aramaic - the language that Christ and his followers used - are carved into a limestone burial box known as an ossuary: “James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus.” Lemaire says that ossuary burials - digging up a grave after a year to put the bones into a limestone box - were generally practiced between 20 B. C. and A. D. 70, exactly the time of the earliest Christian efforts in Jerusalem. According to Biblical scholars, the presence of all three famous names is extraordinary. Historic research to date have confirmed that only twenty men with the name “James” in Jerusalem in A.D. 63 would have had a father named Joseph and a brother named Jesus.


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U. S. DOD Satellites Detected Explosion of Siberian Bolide

"U.S. satellites detected the impact of a bolide near Bodiabo (Bodajbo) in Siberia at 16:48:56 UTC (12:48:56 EDT) on 24 September 2002. The object was simultaneously detected by both visible wavelength and IR (infrared) sensors. The object was first detected at 57.91 North Latitude, 112.90 East Longitude at an altitude of approximately 62 kilometers (38.5 miles). It was tracked to 58.21 N, 113.46 E at an altitude of approximately 30 kilometers (18.6 miles). The observed visible wavelength peak intensity was 2.4 x 10^11 Watts/ster. The total radiated energy was 8.6 x 10^11 Joules (6000K black body)."

- Peter Brown, Ph.D., Physicist, Univ. of Western Ontario, Canada

Presumed bolide explosion on September 24, 2002, during the Russian night at 58.21N, 113.46 E near Bodajbo, Siberia, Russia.
Presumed bolide explosion on September 24, 2002, during the Russian night at 58.21N, 113.46 E near Bodajbo, Siberia, Russia.

October 21, 2002  London, Ontario, Canada - On September 24, 2002 at 12:48:56 EDT and 16:48:56 UTC, night time in Russia, American Department of Defense satellites detected the explosion of a presumed bolide approximately 18.6 miles above Bodajbo, Siberia, Russia (58.21 N, 113.46E). The explosion was equivalent to 100,000 tons of TNT, or a meteorite about three meters in diameter burning up in the earth's atmosphere.


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Mt. Kilimanjaro’s Ice Cap Is Melting Fast

Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, is Africa's highest mountain at 19,340 feet.
Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, is Africa's highest mountain at 19,340 feet.

"Between 1912 and 2000, Mt. Kilimanjaro has lost 80 percent of the ice area on the mountain."

- Lonnie Thompson, Ph.D., Geologist, Ohio State University

This map by Ohio State University researchers shows the retreat of Mt. Kilimanjaro's ice cap between 1912 and 2000, an 80 percent reduction.
This map by Ohio State University researchers shows the retreat of Mt. Kilimanjaro's ice cap between 1912 and 2000, an 80 percent reduction.


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Could Cheops Pyramid’s Small Channels and “Doors” Be Resonators or Antennae?

The Great Pyramid of Cheops built 4,500 years ago for King Khu-fu in the 4th Dynasty, near Cairo, Egypt. The three pyramids on the Giza plateau seen from across the Nile. Cheops appears smaller than Kephren with the white Tura limestone cap because Kephren is on higher ground. The third smaller to the left are Mykerinos and the two other smallest were for the wife and daughter of King Khu-fu. Drawing © 1971 Peter Tompkins.
The Great Pyramid of Cheops built 4,500 years ago for King Khu-fu in the 4th Dynasty, near Cairo, Egypt. The three pyramids on the Giza plateau seen from across the Nile. Cheops appears smaller than Kephren with the white Tura limestone cap because Kephren is on higher ground. The third smaller to the left are Mykerinos and the two other smallest were for the wife and daughter of King Khu-fu. Drawing © 1971 Peter Tompkins.
"Doors" 1 and 2 are in the southern shaft rising from the Queen's Chamber on the left of the above diagram. The most recently discovered "Door 3" is on the northern shaft rising from the same chamber. Both Door 1 and Door 3 have copper pins, staples or handles. Door 1 and Door 3 also block the two respective shafts at approximately the same distance from the Queen's Chamber: 210 feet. Door 2 is seven inches beyond Door 1. The actual path to Door 3 is now known to have three turns in it to get past the Grand Gallery. No one yet knows what is behind Door 2 and Door 3 or what the purpose of these strange, narrow shafts and little blocks might truly be.
"Doors" 1 and 2 are in the southern shaft rising from the Queen's Chamber on the left of the above diagram. The most recently discovered "Door 3" is on the northern shaft rising from the same chamber. Both Door 1 and Door 3 have copper pins, staples or handles. Door 1 and Door 3 also block the two respective shafts at approximately the same distance from the Queen's Chamber: 210 feet. Door 2 is seven inches beyond Door 1. The actual path to Door 3 is now known to have three turns in it to get past the Grand Gallery. No one yet knows what is behind Door 2 and Door 3 or what the purpose of these strange, narrow shafts and little blocks might truly be.

October 12, 2002  Athens, New York - In 1957, a brilliant analysis of Egyptian architecture was published by philosopher Schwaller de Lubicz in a 3-volume book entitled, The Temple of Man, after his fifteen years of painstaking measurement work at Luxor and other Egyptian sacred sites. The miraculous pyramid and temple structures were, for de Lubicz, the end result of evolved consciousness applying the universe's rules of sacred geometry and Law of One in which "as above, so below" provided an architectural blueprint for the soul/spirit's evolution toward immortality.


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Part 2 – Harvard Egyptologist Discusses Purpose of Shafts and Small “Doors” in Cheops Pyramid

The Great Pyramid of Cheops built 4,500 years ago for King Khu-fu in the 4th Dynasty, near Cairo, Egypt. The three pyramids on the Giza plateau seen from across the Nile. Cheops appears smaller than Kephren with the white Tura limestone cap because Kephren is on higher ground. The three smaller to the left are Mykerinos and the smallest were for the wife and daughter of King Khu-fu. Drawing © 1971 Peter Tompkins.
The Great Pyramid of Cheops built 4,500 years ago for King Khu-fu in the 4th Dynasty, near Cairo, Egypt. The three pyramids on the Giza plateau seen from across the Nile. Cheops appears smaller than Kephren with the white Tura limestone cap because Kephren is on higher ground. The three smaller to the left are Mykerinos and the smallest were for the wife and daughter of King Khu-fu.
Drawing © 1971 Peter Tompkins.

September 25, 2002  Boston, Massachusetts - In ancient Egyptian cosmology, after the moment of death there came existence in the afterlife where joys of earthly existence were duplicated. One of the "machines" to get to that heaven was the Great Pyramid of Cheops built 4,500 years ago for King Khu-fu in the 4th Dynasty on the Giza plateau near Cairo. Some have called the pyramid a launching pad for the King's "ka," or soul, to travel to the circumpolar stars in the north, known as the "imperishable ones," and to the star Sirius and Orion constellation in the south where Osiris, King of the Dead, reigned eternal. In a paradoxical way, the Egyptians thought that whatever worked in this life would not work in the afterlife. So, in the burial chambers of noblemen, they carved doors out of stone with locks that no human could use, but the ka of the dead could move into and through the symbolic stone doors in a kind of Alice In Wonderland way to activate life in the opposite hereafter.


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What Is Behind the Second “Door” in Cheops Pyramid Shaft?

 Not drawn to scale, but to show location of the two "doors," about 215 feet up narrow 8-inch-diameter "air-shaft." 4th Dynasty Great Pyramid of Cheops built for Khu-fu, King of Egypt 2900? to 2877 B. C. The four narrow "air-shafts" leading from the Queen's Chamber, King's Chamber and the Subterranean Chamber have long baffled archaeologists about their true function. If Cheops was truly the King's burial chamber and transition site from this life to the afterlife, what would need airshafts? If linked to stars and constellations, why would there be stone blocks in them? Why are "Door One" and "Door Two" only seven inches apart?
Not drawn to scale, but to show location of the two "doors," about 215 feet up narrow 8-inch-diameter "air-shaft." 4th Dynasty Great Pyramid of Cheops built for Khu-fu, King of Egypt 2900? to 2877 B. C. The four narrow "air-shafts" leading from the Queen's Chamber, King's Chamber and the Subterranean Chamber have long baffled archaeologists about their true function. If Cheops was truly the King's burial chamber and transition site from this life to the afterlife, what would need airshafts? If linked to stars and constellations, why would there be stone blocks in them? Why are "Door One" and "Door Two" only seven inches apart?

September 21, 2002 Washington, D. C. - On Monday night, September 16, 2002, a television program co-produced by the Fox network and National Geographic was broadcast live from the great Cheops pyramid near Cairo, Egypt. The title was Pyramids Live: Secret Chambers Revealed. The goal was to have the television audience, Egyptologists and other scientists discover at the same time what was behind the little Tura limestone "door" bearing two small copper handles that blocks the southern "air-shaft" which extends from the so-called Queen's Chamber below the King's Chamber. Egyptologists generally agree now that since the Queen had her own burial pyramid, the chamber below the King's Chamber must have had another purpose.


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Does Gravity Travel the Same Speed as Light?

Example of a quasar 1.5 billion light years from earth. This quasar is so bright that it created diffraction spikes on the telescope image. Photograph courtesy Hubble Space Telescope (HStsci).
Example of a quasar 1.5 billion light years from earth. This quasar is so bright that it created diffraction spikes on the telescope image. Photograph courtesy Hubble Space Telescope (HStsci).

September 7, 2002  Charlottesville, Virginia - A billion light years from earth there is a very bright quasar known as JO841+1842. Quasars give off enormous energy from great distances. Tomorrow, Sunday, September 8, Jupiter in our solar system will pass very close to the light's path from that quasar.


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