30th Anniversary of Apollo 11 Moon Landing, July 20, 1969

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

July, 18, 1999 Titusville, Florida ­ Associated Press reports from Moscow, Russia that locust swarms have been eating crops across Russia's southern border at the speed of about 31 miles a day. The insects moved into Russia from Kazakstan where government authorities usually have teams to kill locust swarms. But this year, Kazakstan claims it did not have enough money to handle the infestations. Farmers are appealing to the Russian government for insecticides and financial aid. The Russian Emergency Situations Ministry says it needs at least $12 million to battle the locusts.


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$1,000 Reward Offered in Mysterious Animal Deaths

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

June 29, 1999 Richwood, Ohio - Thirty-eight miles northwest of Columbus, Ohio in the farmland of Richwood, four cows and one goat have died in a strange way the past fourteen months. The five animals all had holes punctured in their uterus. The goat also had both eyes removed. Owner Tom Issler says it started back in October 1997 and the most recent attack was Saturday, June 12th. He asked veterinarian Louis Levan, D.V.M., to examine the first cow.


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Another 90-Degree Aerial Turn Associated with Contrail

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

June 28, 1999 Sussex  New Jersey ­ Back on June 3, 1999, I interviewed Charles Warren of www.contrailconnection.com on Coast to Coast AM radio about unusual contrail patterns and some linked to unidentified aerial objects in or near the white trails. In my June 3, 1999 Earthfiles report associated with that radio broadcast, I posted two x-shaped contrail photos shown below dated May 14, 1999 taken at 3:30 p.m. EST by a New Jersey eyewitness, Ed Davieau, of Vernon in Sussex County near the New York State border. A bright, round object with a pale corona stands out in the sky near the X-shaped contrails.

Glowing round object and x-shaped contrails in Vernon, New Jersey on May 14, 1999 at 3:30 p.m. EST. Photograph © 1999 by Ed davieau.
Glowing round object and x-shaped contrails in Vernon, New Jersey on May 14, 1999 at 3:30 p.m. EST. Photograph © 1999 by Ed davieau.


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Microbes Two Miles Below Earth Surface in South Africa

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

June 27, 1999  Princeton, New Jersey ­ A persistent question in the 20th Century has been: Is there life of any kind on Mars? Back on August 8, 1996, the media was full of headlines about signs of life on Mars in a chunk of meteorite discovered in Antarctica. When the meteorite was examined microscopically, scientists found rice-shaped "globules" in tiny cracks on the rock which resembled bacteria. The carbon in those fossilized globules dated back to about three and a half billion years ago when Mars probably had water on its surface and was warmer.


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New 1999 U. K. Crop Formations Photographed by Peter Sorensen

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

June 27, 1999  Southern England - Photographer Peter Sorensen has flown over several extraordinary new and mysterious crop formations in Southern England the past few days and some of his aerials are attached here.

1) Here is the Nine Pointed Star in the vicinity of Liddington.

Photo Credit: Liddington Castle and Chiseldon region © 1999 by Peter Sorensen.
Photo Credit: Liddington Castle and Chiseldon region © 1999 by Peter Sorensen.


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Genetically Enhanced Plants Could Clean Up Toxic Waste Sites

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

June 24, 1999 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ­ The United States is currently the world's largest producer of hazardous waste, approximately 275 million tons annually. The Environmental Protection Agency maintains an inventory of more than 38,000 uncontrolled waste sites. Those include 1,400 on the National Priorities List (NPL) - which are abandoned waste storage or treatment plants and mining and weapons manufacturing facilities. Those 1400 sites pose the greatest threat to public health and the environment. The projected cleanup costs for these NPL sites using existing physical and chemical methods will be approximately $750 billion. That's nearly one trillion dollars.


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The Cloth of Oviedo

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

June 21, 1999  Richmond, Virginia ­ Over the June 18-20 weekend in 1999, I attended the International Conference on the Shroud of Turin in Richmond, Virginia. The Shroud is a piece of linen cloth about 14 feet long that has the front and back images of a crucified man thought by many of the medical and scientific people at the Richmond Conference to be extraordinary photographic images of the crucified Jesus Christ.


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Current Brightest Binocular Comet and Upcoming Solar Eclipse

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

June 15, 1999 Cambridge, Massachusetts ­ A comet discovered on April 16th in the Southern Hemisphere is now moving further north towards the Constellation of Cancer. It's not visible to the naked eye, but it is the brightest comet for binocular viewing out of nearly sixty now being tracked by Harvard University's Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. The icy ball is called "Comet C/1999 H1-Lee" after its accidental discovery by astronomer Steven Lee who works at the Anglo Australian Observatory in New South Wales.

Photograph © 1999 by Gordon Garradd @ www.ozemail.com.au/~loomberah.
Photograph © 1999 by Gordon Garradd @ www.ozemail.com.au/~loomberah.


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The Strange Story of J-Rod, An EBE

© 1999 by Bill Hamilton for Earthfiles.com

June 14, 1999  Pasadena, California ­ When I first heard Bill Uhouse, a retired mechanical engineer from Las Vegas, tell his story of having been involved in reverse engineering alien technology at certain government facilities, I was both amused and bemused. I was amused because he indicated that the big boss of the project was an extraterrestrial biological entity (EBE) that he knew as J-Rod who was supposed to have arrived on earth in 1953. According to another source called BJ discussed further in this article, the "J" and "Rod" were derived from early attempts to establish communication between the extraterrestrial biological entity, EBE, and U. S. scientists privy to EBE contact.


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Contrails and U.S. Government Interest

June 24, 1999 Medford, Oregon ­ In my June 3, 1999 Earthfile report and a June 9th Coast to Coast AM radio program, I interviewed Chuck Warren of Swedesboro, New Jersey who has organized a web site www.contrailconnection.com about unusual contrails. He first posted his own contrail photographs on March 17th. Within a short time, he realized that several government agencies and members of congress were visiting his contrail web site. Viewers included the CIA, Wright-Patterson AFB, National Security Agency , NASA Langley Research Center and many others.


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