Tag: UFOs (66 results)

01-03-2023 - Part 4: Hall of Mirrors with A Quicksand Floor
01-01-2023 - Part 3: Hall of Mirrors with A Quicksand Floor
12-30-2022 - Part 2: Hall of Mirrors with A Quicksand Floor
12-28-2022 - Part 1: Hall of Mirrors with A Quicksand Floor
05-01-2021 - MAKING CONTACT – Preparing for the New Realities of Extraterrestrial Existence.
02-28-2021 - Part 2: “Weird” UFO Passed Over Two Different Airliners Above 30,000 Feet Three Years Ago On February 24, 2018.
02-27-2021 - Part 1: Cylindrical “Cruise-Missile-Looking” UFO Reported in Close Encounter By American Airlines Pilot Over New Mexico.
02-10-2021 - Part 1: Gigantic Triangular Craft Took Two Campers in Devil’s Den State Park, Arkansas
01-11-2021 - 180-Day Countdown to June 24, 2021, U. S. Gov’t. Update About “Advanced Aerial Threats” of UAPs/UFOs. And What Happened On Mars?
12-18-2020 - Part 3: Terry Lovelace’s Telepathic Exchange with Female Asian-Looking Humanoid