Part 2: Navy Physicist and USAF Geophysicist Discuss UFOs and ETs

"This subject has such huge import for the human future that nobody really wants to know it's true. The admission that creatures are flying around out there doing whatever they are doing and we have no control over them amounts to a loss of control."

- Bruce Maccabee, Ph.D., U. S. Navy Physicist

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January 27, 2006  Thurmont, Maryland - Back in early 1986, physicist Bruce Maccabee listened to USAF geophysicist Hawk talk about the "real Project Blue Book" as described in the mid-1960s by his old friend, USAF Lt. Col. Bob Hippler. Hawk had originally met Col. Hippler in Albuquerque when Col. Hippler wanted to know more about the government's knowledge - and cover-up - of E. T.s and their advanced technologies interacting with Earth. When Hawk met up with Col. Hippler a couple of years later, he was living and working in two worlds ­ one real and secret; the other not real and public. Col. Hippler was trying to find a university willing to investigate UFOs for the U. S. Air Force. Dr. Maccabee concluded that Hippler was part of the government cover-up, "searching for patsies who would be willing to officially come up with the answer the Air Force wanted." And what the Air Force wanted was a white wash that would say there was nothing to UFOs, so the public and media would leave them alone.


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