© 1976 by Roberta Donovan and Keith Wolverton
Chapter 8
Teenage Girls Chased by UFO

During their entire investigation, Cascade County officers have sought to verify any possible connection between the cattle mutilations and the reports of UFOs, unidentified helicopters, strange lights and noises and the hairy creatures. In some instances, there has seemed to be a connection, but it has been frustratingly difficult to prove.
A case in point is a cow that was mutilated in late July 1975, on Ashlot Bench north of Fort Shaw. As in many other cases, the cow's teats had been cut off, apparently with an extremely sharp instrument. But in contrast to other cases where there was no sign of struggle, or tracks, or other evidence around the animal, the grass this time was trampled down in a nine foot radius around the carcass. Although a sample of the grass was tested at a laboratory, nothing conclusive was indicated.
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