Cassini Spacecraft Will Rendezvous with Saturn July 1, 2004

Cassini's four year tour of Saturn, its rings, moons and magnetosphere will begin on July 1, 2004. Artist's conception of Cassini, a plutonium-powered spacecraft carrying 12 science instruments and a probe, in orbit around Saturn. Image credit: NASA/JPL.
Cassini's four year tour of Saturn, its rings, moons and magnetosphere will begin on July 1, 2004. Artist's conception of Cassini, a plutonium-powered spacecraft carrying 12 science instruments and a probe, in orbit around Saturn. Image credit: NASA/JPL.

June 11, 2004  Pasadena, California - Three weeks from now on July 1, 2004, humanity's first spacecraft designed to reach and orbit the rings of Saturn will approach from below the ring plane. Cassini, using small jets to control its flight, will cross through the large gap between the very thin outer F Ring and G Ring.


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