May 2005 Crop Formation Update in Six Countries

May 20, 2005  – One year ago on May 22, 2004, I reported at an overview of 12 crop formations which had been reported in six countries. [See 052204 Earthfiles.] The list included:

– four patterns in yellow flowering oil seed rape in Germany;
– four patterns in oil seed rape in England;
– one pattern of grass circles in Hoeven, Holland;
– one circle geometry of wheat in Poland;
– one pattern of circles laid down in tall pasture grass in Queensland, Australia;
– and randomly downed wheat along straight lines in Mexico.

So far in 2005, there have been 16 patterns reported in six countries, with some unusual randomly downed crop patterns in the United States and Mexico.

1) Germany

Reporting one genuinely anomalous pattern in oilseed rape and three as human-made.

May 6, 2005 – Sinsheim, Baden-Wurttemberg, Berwangen/Massenbachhausen

Above: Sinsheim in Baden-Wurttemberg Province of Germany, a region where crop formations have reoccurred over the past ten years. Below: Pattern and measurements of circles reported in oilseed rape on May 6, 2005. Diagram © 2005 by Andreas Mueller,
Above: Sinsheim in Baden-Wurttemberg Province of Germany, a region where crop formations have reoccurred over the past ten years. Below: Pattern and measurements of circles reported in oilseed rape on May 6, 2005. Diagram © 2005 by Andreas Mueller,


2) England

Reporting eight geometric patterns in oilseed rape in six counties: South Yorkshire County, Oxfordshire County, Wiltshire County, Hampshire County (Hants), Dorset County and East Sussex County.

South Yorkshire County, Oxfordshire County, Wiltshire County, Hampshire County (Hants), Dorset County and East Sussex County are highlighted in yellow where crop formations have emerged so far by May 20, 2005. The red circles relate to crop events in previous years.
South Yorkshire County, Oxfordshire County, Wiltshire County, Hampshire County (Hants), Dorset County and East Sussex County are highlighted in yellow where crop formations have emerged so far by May 20, 2005. The red circles relate to crop events in previous years.

April 17, 2005 – First 2005 UK Crop Formation at Ripley, near Bournemouth, Dorset

150-foot-long pictogram in yellow flowering oilseed rape discovered Sunday, April 17, 2005, by Michael Thorpe at Ripley east of Bournemouth, Dorset. Aerial image © 2005 by Jo Harvell /Bournemouth Helicopters and The Bournemouth Daily Echo.
150-foot-long pictogram in yellow flowering oilseed rape discovered Sunday, April 17, 2005, by Michael Thorpe at Ripley east of Bournemouth, Dorset. Aerial image © 2005 by Jo Harvell /Bournemouth Helicopters and The Bournemouth Daily Echo.

April 19, 2005 – St. Catherine’s Well, Loversall near Doncaster, South Yorkshire, Central England

Three overlapping rings in yellow flowering oilseed rape reported April 19, 2005. Image © 2005 by Dave Strickland.
Three overlapping rings in yellow flowering oilseed rape reported April 19, 2005. Image © 2005 by Dave Strickland.

April 21, 2005 – Gotham Farm at Toot Baldon near Oxford, Oxfordshire

Reported April 21, 2005, the formation in yellow flowering oilseed rape "appears to be in a direct alignment between Garsington church, last year's Dragon 1 formation and Sinodun Hill," says investigator Ellis Taylor. Aerial image © 2005 Ellis Taylor,
Reported April 21, 2005, the formation in yellow flowering oilseed rape “appears to be in a direct alignment between Garsington church, last year’s Dragon 1 formation and Sinodun Hill,” says investigator Ellis Taylor. Aerial image © 2005 Ellis Taylor,

April 23, 2005 – Earwig Hill, Ringmer, near Lewes, East Sussex

Third 2005 UK crop pattern was 82-foot-diameter ring laid down in yellow flowering oilseed rape (path 14 feet wide) reported April 23, 2005. Swirled News Editor, Andy Thomas, reports "last year in the same field was a small pictogram in wheat." Image © 2005 by Andy Thomas.
Third 2005 UK crop pattern was 82-foot-diameter ring laid down in yellow flowering oilseed rape (path 14 feet wide) reported April 23, 2005. Swirled News Editor, Andy Thomas, reports “last year in the same field was a small pictogram in wheat.” Image © 2005 by Andy Thomas.

May 1, 2005 – Golden Ball Hill, near Alton Barnes, Wiltshire

First 2005 crop formation reported in Wiltshire County, England, in yellow flowering oilseed rape on May 1, 2005. Cropcircleconnector investigator Nick Nicholson reported, "After an evening and early morning of high electrical activity, with hardly a drop of rain I might add. This formation appeared on the slopes of Golden Ball Hill sitting almost over the ghost of last years dolphins formation." Aerial image © 2005 by
First 2005 crop formation reported in Wiltshire County, England, in yellow flowering oilseed rape on May 1, 2005. Cropcircleconnector investigator Nick Nicholson reported, “After an evening and early morning of high electrical activity, with hardly a drop of rain I might add. This formation appeared on the slopes of Golden Ball Hill sitting almost over the ghost of last years dolphins formation.” Aerial image © 2005 by

  May 3, 2005 – The Platt near Garsington, Oxfordshire

Spiral formation in yellow flowering oilseed rape reported on May 3, 2005, in Garsington, Oxfordshire. Aerial photograph © 2005 by Ellis Taylor,
Spiral formation in yellow flowering oilseed rape reported on May 3, 2005, in Garsington, Oxfordshire. Aerial photograph © 2005 by Ellis Taylor,

May 9, 2005 – Bishop’s Sutton near Winchester, Hampshire

Crop circle researcher and author, Lucy Pringle reports, "I went to have a look at the circle the morning of May 9, 2005. It is at Bishop's Sutton in the same field as the two formations in July 2000." Ground image © 2005 by Lucy Pringle,
Crop circle researcher and author, Lucy Pringle reports, “I went to have a look at the circle the morning of May 9, 2005. It is at Bishop’s Sutton in the same field as the two formations in July 2000.” Ground image © 2005 by Lucy Pringle,
Bishop's Sutton aerial © 2005 by Steve Alexander,
Bishop’s Sutton aerial © 2005 by Steve Alexander,

May 16, 2005 – Pewsey, Wiltshire

Ringed circle in Pewsey allegedly reported by “Radio Wiltshire.” Further details upcoming.


3) Holland

One pattern in grass in Hoeven, Holland again.

Hoeven, Holland, is a small farming community marked by the red star near Roosendaal, south of Rotterdam. Map © MapQuest.
Hoeven, Holland, is a small farming community marked by the red star near Roosendaal, south of Rotterdam. Map © MapQuest.
Hoeven, Holland, one of two circles in grass discovered early morning of April 6, 2005, by Robbert van den Broeke near his family home. One larger circle was not purely round, but measured approximately 8 meters 90 centimeters (29.5 feet) by 10 meters 10 centimeters (33 feet). The smaller circle was nearly round, about 1 meter 70 centimeters (5.5 feet) in diameter. The lay of the grass in the large circle was clockwise and the small circle was anti-clockwise. April 6, 2005, photographs © 2005 by Peter van Learhoven.
Hoeven, Holland, one of two circles in grass discovered early morning of April 6, 2005, by Robbert van den Broeke near his family home. One larger circle was not purely round, but measured approximately 8 meters 90 centimeters (29.5 feet) by 10 meters 10 centimeters (33 feet). The smaller circle was nearly round, about 1 meter 70 centimeters (5.5 feet) in diameter. The lay of the grass in the large circle was clockwise and the small circle was anti-clockwise. April 6, 2005, photographs © 2005 by Peter van Learhoven.

4) Island of Cyprus, Mediterranean (No photograph or diagram available to date.)

A pattern 150 meters wide was discovered near the town of Limassol, Cyprus near the UK Military base of Akroliri. It was found some time after a UFO was witnessed by a number of people (“Are they here?” April 29, 2005, Cypress Mail).

“Are they here?
By Jean Christou
(Copyright © Cyprus Mail 2005 Archive Article – Friday, April 29, 2005)

Wednesday’s ‘UFO sighting’ reopens the case

A BRITISH resident in Cyprus yesterday reported seeing a UFO as he traveled along the Nicosia-Larnaca highway on Wednesday night.

The man, who did not wish to be identified, said the UFO had been witnessed by several other motorists who had all slowed down their vehicles to watch the spectacle at around 8.45pm.

“At first I thought it was a helicopter. It was in front of me and as soon as saw it I started slowing down and so did the people in front of me and then it speeded up at an incredible speed, hundreds of miles an hour in seconds and literally disappeared in front of our eyes,” the man said.

He said the sighting happened at around 8.45pm. He said al the cars in front of him had slowed down trying to digest what they had seen.

“It was amazing. I don’t know what it was but it was bizarre. It was up in the sky. It looked like the kind of height of a low-flying plane or a helicopter. That’s why I didn’t immediately think it was odd and then as it started to move and speed up I thought, ‘This is weird’. It was bright white sphere of light hovering slowly,”

The man said he checked online yesterday morning and found that UFO sightings were not all that uncommon in Cyprus.

“I had heard about UFOs. I’m not a skeptic but I think you can’t really comment unless you have had an experience and for me when I can’t have a sane explanation for what I see I can’t think of anything else it could be. It was not the kind of thing you could miss. It was incredible,” he added.

Police said yesterday no one had reported any UFO sighting, as did the Larnaca Airport Control Tower.

“The only thing written in the log book for that time last night is ‘We need new chairs for the control tower’,” said one Civil Aviation official.

The official said however that the radar does regularly register what seem to be aircraft but which disappear after three revolutions of the radar.

“We call them Angels,” said the official adding that they generally put these ‘phantoms’ down to weather interference. “Of course we are angels here ourselves,” he said.

Ioannis Fakas from the Fakas Institute of Astronomy said nothing had been reported to him either. In fact he said he had been called to Limassol to look at a reported crop circle in a field outside the town.

He decided however that the crop circle, which was around 150 metres wide, was probably man-made. Crop circles, which are said to be mathematically precise designs imprinted into a field of crops without actually damaging or killing the plants, are often associated with aliens.
Fakas said he believes people see UFO’s but does not believe they are of alien origin. As an astronomer he said he does think it’s logical that life must exist elsewhere in the universe, but does not believe they visit earth.

He said that research has shown that 93 per cent of all UFO sightings are explainable.
“I don’t believe men from other worlds would come all the way here and then try to hide from us,” he said.

Whatever they are, UFOs have been spotted over Cyprus on many occasions in the past. In March 2002 a Swiss playwright who had just retired to Paphos, said he spotted a silver, saucer-shaped object ’emerging from the clouds’ as he walked along the beach. The UFO apparently hovered before ‘floating down’ and disappearing behind some rocks.”

Linda Leblanc said she and John Knowles, her partner at the Paphos-based Pyschognosia, which looks into paranormal incidents, said they had seen UFOs on several occasions over Coral Bay.

She said Wednesday’s sighting by the British resident was interesting as there appear to have been other witnesses. “We keep a roving eye on things and of course we are always looking ourselves,” she said.

“There is plenty of good evidence to support UFOs. There is no doubt in our minds that something is going on so we’re not surprised to hear about this. We don’t really know what they are but there have been some links to the military. You see a lot of sighting around bases. It could be testing new technology.”

Knowles said it was useful for people to report such incidents. “What is necessary is to have multiple witnesses and they should record the exact details and have everyone sign it. I’d be happy to pass it on to Mutual UFO Network,” he said.

“There is too much of a tendency on the part of the establishment to sneer and disdainfully dismiss everything. It always helps to have more and more evidence.”

Knowles confirmed that sightings are fairly common in Cyprus. “I’ve had a couple of sightings myself,” he said.


5) Mexico

A randomly downed pattern in oats; and a second formation yet to be updated.

 Randomly downed pattern in oats reported May 1, 2005, in Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico. Photograph © 2005 by
Randomly downed pattern in oats reported May 1, 2005, in Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico. Photograph © 2005 by

6) United States

There have been at least three reports of randomly downed crops in Oregon, North Carolina and Arizona. The most recent this week in Arizona outside Phoenix is estimated to be about 600 feet long made up of three long parallel strips laid down in wheat.

May 18, 2005 – Tolleson near Phoenix, Arizona

Three long, parallel strips were reported laid down in a wheat field near Lower Buckeye Road and 75th Avenue in Phoenix, Arizona. Jeffrey Wilson, Director of the Independent Crop Circle Researchers’ Association (ICCRA) in Ohio, reports that ICCRA member, Ruben Uriarte, learned about the Tolleson crop anomaly from Salvador Estrada and Victor Camacho after they called a Spanish-language radio station with news about the crop anomaly. Jeff Wilson asked Rod Bearcloud Berry to investigate and e-mailed, “Bearcloud reports that there are three linear flattened pathways approximately 525 to 600 feet in length that are parallel to the power lines and the road. Interspersed between the three pathways are a series of irregular flattened shapes, none of which cross any tramlines.”

Jeff further searched Google Maps and found that “their satellite photography shows an unusual ground feature in the same region: three linear, nearly parallel strips with no vegetation. We don’t know when these satellite photos were taken, and the orientation of the 3 lines is different than what Bearcloud has discovered flattened in Tolleson on May 19, 2005. But it appears that both events have occurred in the same field. We don’t know what this feature is yet that appears on the Google satellite photos.”

Google Map satellite photos above and below show three parallel long strips in upper left field. In lower right field, there are a series of "dots" along tramlines that are also unexplained. Below is close-up of parallel strips in satellite image.
Google Map satellite photos above and below show three parallel long strips in upper left field. In lower right field, there are a series of “dots” along tramlines that are also unexplained. Below is close-up of parallel strips in satellite image.
Ground photograph of one of the three long strips in Tolleson wheat field taken May 19, 2005, © 2005 by Rod Bearcloud Berry.
Ground photograph of one of the three long strips in Tolleson wheat field taken May 19, 2005, © 2005 by Rod Bearcloud Berry.

May 15, 2005 – Hickory, North Carolina

Downed barley in three fields that cover 25 acres about 1.5 miles down Robinson Road from U. S. 70 in Hickory, North Carolina, caused motorists to call the Hickory Daily Record newsroom on Sunday, May 15, 2005. Compare to the photograph below of the Linfield, Pennsylvania, randomly downed crop of May 24, 1992.

Hickory Daily Record stated in May 17, 2005, edition: "Pete Robinson, 75, walks through waist-high barley on his land in Hickory on Monday, May 16, 2005. Recent storms brought high winds and hevy rains that left strange patterns, which some say resembled crop circles." Photograph by Nathan W. Armes, Hickory Daily Record.
Hickory Daily Record stated in May 17, 2005, edition: “Pete Robinson, 75, walks through waist-high barley on his land in Hickory on Monday, May 16, 2005. Recent storms brought high winds and hevy rains that left strange patterns, which some say resembled crop circles.” Photograph by Nathan W. Armes, Hickory Daily Record.

May 8-10, 2005 – McMinnville, Oregon

“Crop circle presages UFO Festival in Oregon
McMinnville News-Register Published; May 12, 2005

Something leveled large areas of tall grass in the field just south of Northwest 23rd Street between Sunday night and Tuesday afternoon. A space ship? Early arrivals to McMinnville’s sixth annual UFO Festival, set for Friday and Saturday?

“I hate to think the aliens were right here and I missed them,” a neighborhood resident said.
The woman – who wouldn’t give her name, worrying that friends would think she’s nuts – said she heard nothing out of the ordinary prior to noticing the crushed areas. She didn’t see any strange lights, either. And her pet has been behaving normally.

The damage extends about three blocks by one block. In that area, only some of the grass is compressed, while large swaths and small tufts still stand tall. No noticeable paths lead from one squashed spot to another. The grass is lying down, but not all in one direction. That makes this damage different from classic crop circles reported elsewhere.

Observed from the ground, it seems to be flattened in random shapes, rather than in a perfect circle or geometric design. But from the air, it may appear to spell a word or form a pattern.
‘Welcome to Mac,’ (McMinnville) perhaps?”

Puzzle of Odd Randomly Downed Crops
That Show Biophysical and Biochemical Changes
Randomly downed events are usually dismissed by local public, media and some crop formation researchers as wind damage. But back in the mid-1990s, unusual randomly downed crops started being reported in England and the United States, including Pennsylvania and Maryland.

Wheat field found scalloped and flattened for 600 feet in Linfield, Pennsylvania, on May 24, 1992. Photograph by Bruce Rideout. [See book: Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. I: Facts & Eyewitnesses]
Wheat field found scalloped and flattened for 600 feet in Linfield, Pennsylvania, on May 24, 1992. Photograph by Bruce Rideout. [See book: Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. I: Facts & Eyewitnesses]
In June 1995, I flew over an odd, non-geometrical downed wheat crop in Cherry Hill, Maryland, which had 90-degree rectangles and other odd shapes on the ground which also looked different from the air, compared to natural wind damage I could see in surrounding fields.

June 8, 1995, front page aerial photograph in Cecil Whig newspaper, Cherry Hill, Maryland, of randomly downed wheat in which there were three corridors with 90-degree corners and other anomalies (see lower right corner along green). Photograph by Jeff Swinger © 1995 Cecil Whig.
June 8, 1995, front page aerial photograph in Cecil Whig newspaper, Cherry Hill, Maryland, of randomly downed wheat in which there were three corridors with 90-degree corners and other anomalies (see lower right corner along green). Photograph by Jeff Swinger © 1995 Cecil Whig.

A group of us sampled plants from the Cherry Hill wheat and later there was a similar investigation at Blue Ball, Maryland. From those randomly downed samples, Biophysicist W. C. Levengood found the same extraordinary growth node lengthening, reorientation and metabolic changes in plant cells that he has found repeatedly over the years in plants sampled from geometric patterns in the United States, England, Holland, Israel and other countries.

Blue Ball, Maryland, 1995. Top: Normal wheat stems and growth nodes. Bottom: Nodes lengthened 130 to 200 percent and reoriented. Photographs © 1995 by biophysicist, W. C. Levengood.
Blue Ball, Maryland, 1995. Top: Normal wheat stems and growth nodes. Bottom: Nodes lengthened 130 to 200 percent and reoriented. Photographs © 1995 by biophysicist, W. C. Levengood.

In summary for this spring of 2005, counting the four randomly downed reports in the United States and Mexico, eleven geometric patterns in Germany, England, Holland and Cyprus ­ plus the most recent pattern in Mexico not yet clarified – there have been 16 patterns reported in six countries.

More Information:

See Other Earthfiles Reports About Crop Formations:

  • 05/09/2005 —  Mysterious Lights and 2003 Serpent Mound Soybean Formation
  • 04/20/2005 —  Outer Space Impact At Serpent Mound, Ohio, 256 Million Years Ago
  • 04/12/2005 —  First 2005 Dutch Crop Circles Reported in Hoeven, Holland Grass
  • 10/17/2004 —  American Crop Formations: 1880-2004
  • 09/22/2004 —  Miamisburg and Serpent Mound, Ohio Crop Formations: Geometries Compared
  • 09/17/2004 —  Updated: Part 1 – High Strangeness in Canadian Cattle Corn
  • 09/12/2004 —  Part 2 – High Strangeness in Canadian Cattle Corn
  • 09/10/2004 —  Update on Miamisburg, Ohio, Corn Pictogram – Balls of Light?
  • 09/05/2004 —  Part 2 – Hillsboro, Ohio Corn Plant Anomalies
  • 09/04/2004 —  Hillsboro, Ohio Corn Formation – High Strangeness in Soil and Plants
  • 09/02/2004 —  Updated Photos: Big, Impressive New Corn Formation in Miamisburg, Ohio
  • 08/29/2004 —  Another Pictogram in Poland
  • 08/28/2004 —  Cow Mutilation and Loud, Unidentified Sound in Farnam, Nebraska
  • 08/12/2004 —  Circles in Belgium and Holland
  • 08/10/2004 —  Updated Aerial Photos of West Overton, Wiltshire “Serpent”
  • 08/09/2004 —  Pictograms in Poland
  • 08/03/2004 —  Crop Formations: Fifteen in Southern England Since July 20, 2004


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