Extraordinary Wind Damage Reports

“This is the first time I have ever seen so much crop down like that.”

- Raymond Wood, Missouri farmer for 45 years

“Thirteen hundred acres, almost 4 miles long, almost a mile wide in places, almost a continuous swath of trees just mowed down.”

- Miles Standish, Santa Fe National Forest

August 23, 2007   Columbia, Missouri, and Santa Fe, New Mexico -  On August 12, 2007, a storm with tremendous 45 to 65 mph winds blew through northern and east central Missouri. After it was over, Raymond Wood, who has farmed for 45 years in Boone County north of Columbia, could not believe the damage to his cornfield. Half of his six acres were laying flat to the ground, "snapped clean off" at or near the base of the stalks. “This is the first time I have ever seen so much crop down like that.”


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