High Strangeness in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

“I think they need to create a new hybrid race, which is part them and part us that perhaps is going to help them regenerate their own race.”

- Corina Saebels, Author, The Collectors

Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, is about two hours north of Spokane, Washington.  Okanagan Lake is about 90 miles long and is famous for reports of an “Ogopogo” creature similar to the Loch Ness monster in Scotland.
Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, is about two hours north of Spokane, Washington.  Okanagan Lake is about 90 miles long and is famous for reports of an “Ogopogo” creature similar to the Loch Ness monster in Scotland.

May 19, 2008  Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada  - This past week I have been in the Okanagan Lake region of British Columbia, Canada, about two hours north of Spokane, Washington. Okanagan Lake runs north and south for 90 miles and is famous in Canada as one of the warmest and driest regions where grape vineyards, fruit trees and all kinds of berries grow. Okanagan Lake itself is famous for high strangeness. The Native American Indians said there was an “Ogopogo” in the lake, which translates as “lake monster.” No one has produced public photographs of the creature, but alleged eyewitnesses have sketched three or four snake-like loops breaking the water that look very similar to the Loch Ness monster illustrations in Scotland.


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