Update: Part 2 – 1980 RAF Bentwaters Lights and Craft Were “Extraterrestrial In Origin”

“Col. Halt could see that a UFO was shining a beam down into the weapons storage area.”

- Gary Heseltine, U. K. Transport Policeman

Former U. S. Air Force 1st Class Airman John Burroughs is now organizing a 2010 reunion in England for all the military personnel in RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge who were involved in the mysterious light phenomena of December 26 - 28, 1980. John would like to hear from all who were there and has created a website and email account to organize a 2010 Bentwaters reunion.

Website with email address:   http://backtobentwaters.blogspot.com/

Return to Part 1

Update August 27, 2009 of July 19, 2009  Wakefield, West Yorkshire, England -

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Col. Halt Saw Beam from UFO Shining
On Weapons Storage Area

Early morning hours of December 28, 1980

Lt. Col. Charles I. Halt described mysterious aerial light that emitted white, narrow, beam down in front of him and over the weapons storage facility (above), said to contain nuclear warheads, at RAF Bentwaters, England, in the early morning hours of December 28, 1980. Illustration by Jan Roth at www.rendlesham-incident.co.uk used with permission.
Lt. Col. Charles I. Halt described mysterious aerial light that emitted white, narrow, beam down in front of him and over the weapons storage facility (above), said to contain nuclear warheads, at RAF Bentwaters, England, in the early morning hours of December 28, 1980. Illustration by Jan Roth at www.rendlesham-incident.co.uk used with permission.

Gary Heseltine confirms that in the early morning hours of December 28, 1980, Col. Halt says he saw a white beam of light come from a bright, unidentified aerial object and aim downward to the RAF Bentwaters weapons storage area.


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