“I did drive General Gordon Williams to an F-16 on the Bentwaters tarmac the AM of December 30th. He had two canisters of 35mm footage with him. ...He told me directly that it was actual footage of the UFOs on the ground.”
- Mike Verrano, RAF Bentwaters Capt. and Day Shift Commander, December 1980
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July 22, 2009 Phoenix, Arizona - Eight years after the Rendlesham Forest mysterious aerial light encounters, on October 14, 1988, actor Mike Farrell hosted UFO Cover-Up: Live!, a two-hour prime time syndicated television special that was broadcast in North America. What happened behind the scenes was a secret hypnosis session with John Burroughs on November 11, 1988, after the TV broadcast. A producer wanted to find out what happened to John Burroughs near the lights and the rumor that John either “jumped up” on a craft or was lifted upward in a beam of light. John was confused by the rumor because he could not clearly remember what happened when he was near the lights in Rendlesham Forest on either the early morning of December 26, with Jim Penniston, or with Adrian Bustinza on the early morning of December 28.
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