More Aerial “Milk Bottles” Photographed By Game Trail Cameras

“These [ December 1, 2008] ‘milk bottle’ photographs, are unique because they show the object behind a tree branch. This finally settles the reflection/real object controversy; whatever it is, this new data clearly confirms it is a real object.”

- Chris Zietkiewicz, Ph.D., Senior Engineer

“Milk bottle” aerial object caught by game trail camera behind tree branch on December 1, 2008, between 11:05 PM and 11:29 PM Central in Edom, Texas. Image provided by camera owner.
“Milk bottle” aerial object caught by game trail camera behind tree branch on December 1, 2008, between 11:05 PM and 11:29 PM Central in Edom, Texas. Image provided by camera owner.

September 11, 2009  Edom, Texas -  A year and a half ago on April 7, 2008, I interviewed Bob Coine, President and Owner of Heartland Studios, Inc., in Oregon, Illinois. His company is devoted to protecting, improving and managing wildlife, with an emphasis on white tail deer.
See:  040708 Earthfiles.

In order to keep track of how many white-tailed bucks and does use his farm and to estimate ages of the bucks, Bob explained that he uses a variety of game trail cameras. He has pure infrared cameras that do not flash and take images in non-visible infrared; standard 35mm cameras; and digital cameras that have an infrared beam to detect motion, which then triggers the camera to flash in the visible light spectrum. Six photographs taken in visible flash mode on November 16, 2007, beginning at 3:59 AM over a three minute time span, are still a mystery.


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