“What is behind those lights? That’s the question. Is it something physical behind the light? Or some kind of energy intelligence? Are the balls of light responsible for making some of the crop formations?”
- Andrew Pyrka, Editor, Cropcirclewisdom.com

July 14, 2010 Guy's Cliffe, Old Milverton, Warwickshire, England - On July 10, 2010, Cropcircleconnector.com reported a new formation at Guy's Cliffe house near Old Milverton in Warwickshire, England, quite a distance north of Swindon in Wiltshire County. Guy's Cliffe country house dates back to the Anglo-Saxons when Germanic tribes invaded Great Britain beginning in 597 A. D. into the 7th Century. Since the end of the 1900s, the ancient house on the River Avon has been in a derelict state, but the chapel is still used for Masonic ceremonies.
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